How Press Releases Impact Your Company’s SEO


Press releases can be a great marketing strategy for many businesses. They have been around as long as journalism, and they are a way for businesses to let consumers know what big things are coming and what is being changed within the company.

On the other hand, press releases have been around so long that many view them as played out and a cheap way to get attention for your business. Therefore, there are different impacts that a press release can have on your SEO.

SEO and Why It Matters

SEO stands for “search engine optimization”, and it means the process of maximizing the number of people who visit your website. This is especially important in the world today because most people rely on the internet to inform, entertain and to buy things.

Naturally, it would be important for businesses to reach this kind of audience. There are many outlets by which you can improve your search engine optimization and expand your client base, especially with the help of an SEO agency. Of course, one of those SEO strategies is also the press release.

search engine optimization

The Press Release

Press releases can greatly impact your company’s SEO. They allow a company to keep journalists in the know so that in turn, the journalists can inform their readers that the company has done something worth sharing. Whether it be winning an award, getting a new CEO, or releasing a new product to the public, press releases allow companies to get in the news.

The Good

While it is important to note that press releases are common and seen sometimes as a part of the “information overload” on the internet, they are also very good for SEO. The main SEO tactic they deliver is linking. Links will lead to consumers clicking on the company’s website.

They also allow consumers to have a more personal relationship with the brand. It is important for businesses to have contact with journalists when there is a new product coming out, but it is even more important for the consumers to know what is going on inside the company.

If the head of a business was replaced because he was under fire by the consumers, it is important to know that the business is under new management.

The Bad

Those who criticize press releases for their obvious attempts at “clickbait” may say that there is no good that can come from a company writing a press release. However, these critics could be lumping all press releases together. In fact, there are some that focus only on the content without worrying about the links.

It is true that the press release can be seen by some as a marketing technique that is outdated. If your company decides on a press release, be aware of the consequences.

How It Relates

Press releases do increase SEO, mostly because of how they can capture a wider audience than just those looking for a company’s services. With the link to the site embedded in the story, it could not be easier to access the company. Also, press releases include a lot of the keywords that people will be searching on Google, which again can drive SEO impact.

Due to the fact that keywords and links have an enormous impact on what shows up on the first page of Google and other search engines, press releases can be a great idea for companies that have something new happening within the company.

Search Engine Agencies

A great way to decide if you need a press release is by speaking with a search engine agency. They are able to help businesses find words and phrases that will score them a top spot on search results, and they can even craft press releases.

While press releases can sometimes get a bad reputation, it can be worthwhile to look at them as new ways that you can improve your company’s reach on the internet. It could be the difference you’ve been looking for.

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