Tighten Up Your Network by Caring

Joe Curcillo

In this pandemic, we are dealing with a situation that we did not anticipate. We are dealing with the inability to market and the inability to grow and develop new businesses. However, we can seize the ability to keep our network alive. Your network may consist of your employees, maybe your customers and perhaps your business associates or, most likely all three.

The backbone of every business is its network. As we look through our social media, we see that Facebook or LinkedIn change their algorithm daily, thus affecting the number of people that we see in our respective feeds. When we start to lose contact with our real-world network, we simply cannot solely blame Facebook. We must first look from within and formulate a plan from there.

Firstly, reach out to the people in your network now. It is up to you to make sure that you stay relevant and not be easily replaceable. Keep in touch with your network during this pandemic to continue that business relationship. Staying in touch is a good way to remind your customers that your services will still be there when this pandemic is over. Make a list of the people in your network and begin actively contacting them. Now.

Remember, it is not about sales calls, it’s about caring calls. Stay in touch.

To keep your network strong, you must:

  • Be Personal
  • Be Meaningful
  • Put It in Writing

Be Personal with contacts in your network. If you know someone may need you, let them know that you have not forgotten them. If you are relying on outreach by employees or third parties, maybe you should consider using your time for personal outreach. Sometimes your network just needs to know that you are still there. Show the people in your network a little love now and then. Let them know you care, and their loyalty will stay intact.

There has never been a better time to simply let people know that you care about their welfare.

Be Meaningful. When you are dealing with members of your network, make sure that they know that you appreciate having them in your network. Let people know that without them, you would have nothing. Allow them to feel appreciated and needed. It’s easy to look at social media to find out the important dates in people’s lives. You can find out their birthdays, their anniversaries and career changes with a quick scan of your news-feed. Contact them about something that matters to them.

Be resolved that together you will weather the storm.

Put It in Writing. Some of us have had a slowdown in business and have spare time on our hands. Use your time to write a letter. Paper and pen will say, “I took the time to write, because you matter.” When people feel that they belong and that they are vital members of your network, loyalty follows.

In a world that is full of social media, it is easy to say happy birthday on Facebook, or congratulate someone on a new job position on LinkedIn. It is just as easy to drop someone a handwritten note to wish them well in their new venture. We do not see handwritten notes all that often. But, when we do, we pause and smile because someone made an effort to let us know that they appreciate us.

Go old school. Use ink.

Reach out, breathe a little life into your network and watch it grow. Be proactive, be responsive and do it with meaning. And put it in writing.

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