How to Save Money When Exhibiting at a Trade Show

Trade Show Marketing

Exhibiting at a trade show can be very rewarding but done incorrectly the costs can spiral out of control. If you are a smaller business or freelancer, there are some simple tricks to saving money when exhibiting and making sure your trade show is a success without breaking the bank.

Costs such as exhibition stands, transport to the venue, branded giveaways, floorspace and extras such as electrical supply, additional staff as well as the time spent away from the office can all add up if you aren’t careful.

Despite these necessities, taking a leaner approach to the requirements can mean a far reduced outlay which in turn means any business should be able to afford to exhibit at a promotional event.

Check out this range of tips to make your next event more cost-effective and still have a successful event:

Exhibit at Local Events

Finding a trade show that is closer to your place of work will mean lower transport costs and cut down dramatically on accommodation and dining costs needed when exhibiting at a trade show further afield.

Don’t Forget to Barter

When it comes to the floor space cost for an exhibition, event organisers often have room for negotiation within the price. For the risk takers, you can wait until the last minute when event organisers slash prices and many more deals become available.

Order Your Display Stands in Advance

To avoid expensive express delivery charges and to avoid disappointment, order your printed display stands such as pop up banners or arrange a hired exhibition stand way in advance.

Save on Promo Giveaways

Giveaways don’t have to break the bank – simple food or a trial of your product or service could be a better option than an unnecessary branded pen or other item!

Use Internal Staff

Hiring sales staff can be an unnecessary cost saved by giving some basic sales training to existing members of staff who are already on the payroll.

Use Social Media for Show Promotion

Social media marketing is a simple and – best of all – a free way to promote your brand. Find the show’s hashtag on Twitter and let attendees and other exhibitors know exactly what you do!

Social Media Isn’t the Only Free Promotional Channel

Send an email out to your existing customer database; attend networking events associated to the trade show; and even ask the show organiser to set up meetings with you for your target audience.

Replace the Graphics on Your Display Stand, Rather Than the Whole System

Most exhibition systems have replaceable graphics, which can be purchased at a fraction of the cost of buying an entire new unit. If you are unsure, just ask your exhibition stand supplier.

A modular exhibition stand is the best example of a reusable system, as it can be adapted to suit different sizes of exhibiting space as well as having replaceable graphics.

Follow the tips above and you won’t break the bank at your next trade show, meaning you can make the most of this timeless marketing technique.

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