10 Keys to Better Networking

For any small business, networking is key. When you grow your network, opportunities arise, business partners appear, connections are made and trust is garnered in the local community. But before you put yourself out there and try to meet new people, there are some important things to remember about making a good and lasting impression.

As a cross-cultural and international business protocol & etiquette expert, and author and founder of Protocol & Etiquette Worldwide, I have come to discover 10 steps will maximize network connections and overall success.

Business Woman

1. Get Face Time: 

Even with LinkedInAlignableFaceBook Live and the latest social media platforms, face-to-face interaction is the key. Making a personal connection with eye contact, a bow, fist bump or handshake, and solid conversation is still the most powerful networking.

2. Use Conversation Starters: 

When starting conversations in networking scenarios, the key is to build rapport. Arrive prepared with a conversation starter such as: Did you see that tweet? How do you know the host? Are you originally from here? Where was your last vacation? Where is your next vacation? Have you seen [insert movie title]? This weather is so_ ;my golden retriever __! Avoid diving directly into a professional conversation. Ease from personal banter to questions about their business.

3. Remember the 80:20 Rule:

When engaging in networking conversations, remember the 80:20 rule. Listen 80% of the time, ask questions 10%, and share your opinion 10%. Sound unfair? No, your counterpart will love everything they hear – themselves! Participate as an active listener.

4. Open & Close Conversations: 

Be prepared with questions about business if they ask about your business. Good questions include: How do you know the host? What attracted you to this industry? Tell me about your logo design? Before you leave a group, close conversations with I have enjoyed visiting with you. Thanks for your time, or, maybe I’ll see you next month, have a good evening. Personalize to your comfort level.

5. Be Authentic: 

Speak truthfully about yourself, what you want and where you plan to go. Use up-to-date professional photos on LinkedIn and social media. Responding to questions about what you want and who you are must align with your social media platforms, resume and recommendations.

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6. Personalize Connection Invitations: 

Follow up with contacts and personalize invitations. For example, “A pleasure meeting you at the AMA lunch. You mentioned volunteer opportunities; I’m reaching out to connect and possibly set a date. Does September 14, 25 or 26 work?” “Thanks for your chamber presentation. Attached is a link to my latest article. Thanks for offering to share with your colleagues.”

7. Maximize Chambers of Commerce & Industry Leaders: 

Investigate your local chamber of commerce for opportunities to learn, grow and connect with other area businesses. Learn from industry experts. Reach out to thought leaders with lunch invitations and LinkedIn requests. Offer to write a book review and invite these leaders to speak to your industry group in return for an honorarium. A brilliant way to learn and connect with industry players.

8. Ace all Homework: 

Before attending networking events, research the individuals and companies attending. Be intentional with your networking goals and clear in what you are striving for in your connections.

9. Present:

Playing Pokemon Go between conversations? Reverting to your phone when feeling uneasy? Each conversation is valuable personally and professionally – use the time wisely.

10. Share Substance: 

Follow up within two days of meeting a new contact and share something of substance. For example: link to an article of mutual interest. Keeps the focus from being purely transactional and show genuine interest. Enjoy your growing network.

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Sharon Schweitzer, JD is a cross-cultural consultant, business etiquette expert, sought-after speaker and award-winning author. She has built her career helping business leaders and organizational teams understand cultural differences—and the tremendous role these cultural nuances play in establishing strong, successful international business relationships. Sharon is author of the best-selling international business book, Access to Asia. This information-rich guide provides insider tips on history, culture, dining etiquette and business protocols across the globe, in the United States and in 10 Asian countries. The book has received high praise and numerous awards, including being named a Best Book of 2015 by Kirkus Reviews. The 2015 International Book Awards honored the book with three awards, including Best New Non Fiction, Business Communication and Best Cover Design. Finally, USA Book News recognized the book with two winning awards for Business Communications and Business Reference. Sharon practiced employment law before becoming accredited in Intercultural Management from the Hofstede Centre in Finland and attending the Protocol School of Washington. She advises Global 2000 and Fortune 50 companies and has traveled to more than 60 countries on seven continents. Sharon is a regular on-air contributor for NPR, CBS, and has been highlighted in Investor’s Business Daily, Fortune, Inc., The New York Times, Bangkok Post and numerous other media. She was an honoree in the City of Austin program Celebrating the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Austin Women in 2009 and was a finalist in the 2015 Austin International Business Awards. Visit http://www.protocolww.com/.