Strategize and Market Your Business Now and for the Future
If there is one thing 2020 has taught us thus far, it is this: Only the strong will survive. It has truly been a tough couple of months for everyone. Regardless of the industry you’re in, COVID-19 has made its presence felt and while I understand the desire to just hide away from it all, this is really the time to relook, rework and refocus our marketing strategies to make the impact we want.
Remember that without marketing no one will know who you are and how you can help; therefore, sales will be negatively affected. During this season, you will need to find the best strategy that works best for your brand; So how do you begin strategizing when there seems to be so much uncertainty? Here are four steps to help:
Step 1: Define Your USP
We are going back to basics because your USP will help you and your clients understand how you are different from everyone else in the market. I know that many persons recognize the term Unique Selling Point, but because we live in a consumer driven market your USP can now be labelled the Unique Serving Proposition because it’s about serving your customers better and serving them differently — especially now.
Your USP is your testimony of who you are and why someone should buy from you versus anyone else. It is the single, most important weapon in your arsenal and can make all the difference in the world to your bottom line.
So, what is your USP? What is so unique about what you offer that people absolutely need it in their lives? Figure that out and you are guaranteed to win your customers over!
Step 2: Have an Updated SWOT Analysis
Simply put, SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and knowing these can help you determine how to position yourself and may even help spark ideas on how to market your brand.
Once you know your weaknesses and the threats to your business, you can easily turn them into strengths and opportunities. Here is an example: The current pandemic is most certainly a threat to many businesses; however, if we look at things differently, we can find opportunities for growth such as including a delivery service for customer’s convenience. Or, if you are in the service industry, you may want to consider online classes or training or developing programs for your clients and include an element where they can chat with you live. Once you sit and figure out where you are and what can possibly affect your business, you can turn things around to grow your business.
Step 3: Redefine and Reconnect with Your Ideal Client
The truth is that your customers are dealing with the exact same things you are. They are not sure what is going to happen. So right now, maybe is the best time to observe and be empathetic. Put yourself in their shoes, even when you are trying to market to them, and adjust the tone of your marketing messages suit.
This will be a great time to really figure out what you are offering and how it can help your customers during this time, which can help you tailor your campaigns. You may also want to understand how your clients are consuming media now that they are quarantined. This will help you figure out the best ways to get in front of them.
Lastly, look at what your competition is doing during this time to serve their customers. See if this is something you can modify and implement in your own business.
Step 4: Build Brand Awareness
You may not be in control of the sales you make right now, but you are in control of who sees you. Building brand awareness right now is critical because when this is all over, the businesses that have been seen are the ones that will be remembered. This is the time to be very strategic with how you invest — you would be amazed how far a great strategy and a modest budget can take you.
Also, think about including publicity to the mix to give you that extra edge above your competition. Media is always looking to feature business owners, most time for free. All you must do is ask. It is a great way to build credibility especially now that everyone is moving digital.
So, there you have it, four simple but effective steps you can take right now to help you strategize and market your business now and for the future. We are not going to let this pandemic take any more than it already has.