2018 Marketing Calendar for Home Businesses

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There are untraditional ways you can use social media to grow your business. There are also hard and fast social media tips you should follow to stay ahead of the game.

If you’re a small business owner running your own marketing strategy, you know how difficult it can be to keep up with the trends, let alone your own schedule! Scheduling is one of the most important parts of an entrepreneur’s job, especially when all the hats are being worn at once.

Having a detailed plan in place is the only way to ensure you won’t miss out on an opportunity to expand your brand and draw in new clients. From Valentine’s Day and Back to School to Christmas and Thanksgiving, planning ahead for these major events will only help you get the attention of seasonal shoppers.

The following marketing calendar, courtesy of AdEspresso, outlines the major retail holidays in 2018 to make your marketing schedule easier to manage.

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