Vital Strategies to Reaching a Larger Audience

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What is your audience asking?

Before the days of SEO, PPC, social media, and current digital marketing practices, it was once thought that in terms of reaching an audience that content is king. But these days, content marketing has changed, as has finding ways to get your content seen. Content marketing and trying to establish an audience by putting out a steady flow of new content tends to not be enough to maintain that audience. It’s the audience and attracting and keeping the attention of that audience that has become the most important. That’s why that theory of content being king seems to be switching over to the audience being king.

So what does an updated mantra of the audience is king mean? It indicates that your audience, not your content should be the center of your digital marketing strategy. Instead of asking what sort of content should you be putting out there, you should be asking how you can provide valuable content to your target audience. How do you go about doing that? One of the most important keys to a successful digital marketing campaign is knowing to type of content your audience needs. This means defining your target audience as well as defining the kind of content they’re looking for as well as what type of questions your audience is asking. Let’s take a look at five strategies you can use to help pinpoint who your target audience is and what you can do to get them to not only read, but share your content.

Ask Your Audience Directly:

When it comes to figuring out what your audience wants in its content, one of the best ways to find out is to ask them directly, a common first step by many top marketing agencies. By going directly to the source, you’ll have a better understanding of what your audience is looking for and what type of content they enjoy or find provide valuable information. The asking can be done in a number of ways. You can of course, ask in person in a forum or networking event. You can prompt questions on your social media platforms. Or you can send out an email inquiring what type of content your audience is looking for.

Consider Using Quora as a Platform:

Quora has a wide audience reach, with over 100 million active users. It’s a question and answer platform that is known for giving different perspective when giving answers to a particular question. Statistics from 2016 have shown that there were nearly 13,000 questions asked per day. With that massive amount of daily input, you’re definitely likely to come across valuable information based on your target audience’s questions and answers. Plus you can also do some searching to check out the answers your competitors are giving to your audience as well.

Do a Twitter Search:

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms out there today. And with so many people using it, there’s going to be a wealth of information on just about any topic you can think of. It’s also a great way to connect and engage with your target audience. Also, one of the great things about Twitter is the ease of searching for a particular key word. This makes finding tweets from your target audience simpler and gives you a good idea what that audience is engaging in by the use of their hashtags.

Make Use of Facebook Groups:

Facebook groups are a great way to interact with a specific audience. That’s because typically these groups are made around a particular interest or body of knowledge, such as a group of scientists that discuss research and such. So how do you go about finding a Facebook group that includes your target audience? You can find new groups to join by searching a specific key word pertaining to the content you provide. You can also take a look at what groups friends, family, and colleagues are either in or interested in.

One of the most important things to remember when you’ve joined a Facebook group is to remain active. You need to participate in active group discussions and posts. This is your chance to engage your target audience and find out what they’re looking for and interested in.

Don’t Forget About Google Search Console:

By adding your site to Google Search Console, you’ll be provided with a large amount of information as to how your site is being found. You can check and see how many impressions your site gets as well as how many clicks the site has gotten. Using Google Search Console is a great way to gage how well you’re reaching your target audience. Be sure to check your queries at least once a month so that you can track search trends and hits on your site. This will help you manage and update your content accordingly based on how your target audience is responding.

When you understand the needs of your audience and what type of questions they are asking in regards to content, you’re well on your way to having a successful digital marketing campaign. Because when you know what your audience wants, it makes marketing to them effortless while giving you the competitive boost your company needs.

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