Video Marketing: The Game Changer in Content

Friends watching a video
Photo by rawpixel from Pexels

Videos have been a huge part of our lives—from traditional television commercials to YouTube channels, these moving images have become staples in our day-to-day lives. Its popularity has surged throughout the years. It’s no surprise a lot of people opt for videos— they get the message across without much effort.

According to Diode Digital, online videos are 600% more effective as a marketing tool than print and direct mail. The truth is, video marketing has the ability to deliver complex information in a simple way and keep people engaged.

Research says that internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer internet traffic in 2019. Today, everyone has watched a video at least once a day. Whether it’s on their social media feeds or on their television screens, its omnipresence makes it a great marketing tool.

Businesses have decided to include video in their marketing efforts. According to Wyzowl, 63% of businesses have started using video content marketing and out of those, 82% of them feel that video marketing is paramount when it comes to their strategy.

Videos aren’t exactly easy to make. They take equipment, time, and skill. So with all of that hard work, are videos really worth your time and effort? The answer is: Yes. Here are three reasons why video marketing is a game changer and why you should include it in your marketing strategy today.

A Great Medium

When people scope out a company or a brand, they want to trust them. After all, they want to get excellent products or services. So, without any transparency or trust, the marketing campaign isn’t likely to succeed.

Today, a lot of brands look to build trust by connecting with their audience. So, what better way to do this than with an engaging video?

With video, you can allow customers to experience your business in an efficient yet effective way. Compared to reading a leaflet or a print ad, videos are much more easy to process and don’t take a lot of effort.

People only retain 10% of what they hear three days after. However, when compared to hearing it accompanied by imagery, people retain 65% of that information three days later. Other than that, they’re easy to share.

Can you imagine sharing a long article with friends and expecting them to read it thoroughly? Neither can we. With videos, they’re so much easier to share because they’re way more digestible. It doesn’t take a lot of time to watch one short clip compared to reading an article.

An SEO Gold Mine

HubSpot Chart

We mentioned that videos are easily shareable which means they’re great for SEO. Sharing your content can help build backlinks, boost likes, and drive traffic to your site.

Still need convincing that people love video? An email subject that has the word “video” has a 19% higher chance of being opened and 65% increase in click-throughs. Customers are also more likely to watch a product video than read a product description.

Everyone’s Using Them

According to HubSpot, around 81% of businesses are now using video for marketing. It’s no surprise that everyone’s using video to educate their consumers. They’re short, simple, and easy. They’re a great medium for storytelling and are entertaining.

A short yet unique explainer video can do a business wonders. It’s useful for the audience since it gives them useful information and the brand gains a potential customer.

According to Wyzowl, 74% of people who get an opportunity to see a product in action via an explainer video end up buying it. Landing pages with videos supposedly boost conversion rates up to 80%, which shows that video is a great tool for conversions on websites.

Implement Video In Your Strategy

By now, you’re probably thinking of using videos in your marketing strategy. However, you’re still struggling with where to start. Videos aren’t exactly easy to make. They require a long process and in some cases, a lot of equipment and budget.

Thanks to the Internet, that may no longer be an issue. The web is full of so many tools and sites that can help you create your own video in the comfort of your own home and according to your budget.

Where Do You Start?

We mentioned earlier that videos aren’t the easiest thing to make. However, that shouldn’t scare you from dabbling into the world of video marketing. The Internet is full of resources. You just need to know where to look for the right tools.

We get that looking for tools in the big wide web can be challenging so we did the heavy lifting for you. We created a list full of video marketing tools that you can sift through. The list has a variety of different tools which range from live-streaming apps, video editors, to libraries for stock videos and It’s easy to maneuver and we’re sure you’ll find something there!

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