Why You Should Be Using Video Content to Market Your Company

Forbes calls it the future of content marketing. But ask any successful business marketer and they will tell you that video is not the future’s next big marketing tool. Why? Because it is already here. Here is why you should add video content to your small business marketing strategy.

Why Video Content?

Matt Bowman, owner of a web design and SEO company called Thrive Internet Marketing, writing for Forbes, asserts that a third of all time people spend online is dedicated to watching video content. James McQuivey, a digital marketing expert, estimates that a single 60-second video is the equivalent of 1.8 million words. Customers are seeking out businesses with effective video content. In fact, a staggering 90 percent of customers say that video helps them make purchasing decisions and 64 percent are more likely to buy an online product after watching a video. With these stats in mind, video content should be a no brainer.

Today video ads account for over 35 percent of all advertising spending online. And video is projected to account for 80 percent of all online traffic in just a few years, by 2019, according to a new study conducted by CISCO.

Which Platforms Are Best?

YouTube set the standard for video content over a decade ago, and the company continues to move its platform forward with updates and new software rollouts. But is YouTube the best platform for your small business? There’s more to video than YouTube. Social channels such as Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat, which has over 100 million users, are dominating. While posting to these channels can be fruitful, don’t just post and hope it catches. Before you choose a video platform it is key to identify which one is best for your brand. And before you begin you have to clearly identify your audience and find out where they are and what channels they are most active on regularly.

Examples of Effective Video Marketing

An effective video should tell a story or relay a message. What do you want to tell your audience? Do you want to introduce your company to a new demographic? Do you want to share the story of how your business came to be? Identify what you want to tell your audience. Amway, for example, greets its audience on YouTube with a short video clip titled “We Are Amway” that is set to music and displays text, which gives viewers insight into what the company is all about and the people who are involved with the brand. The video has 7,234,734 views and counting on YouTube.

DIY Versus Professional

Video marketing is a competitive industry. Your business isn’t the only one competing for audience eyes. That is why it is critical to have high-quality content. Small business owners without videography of photo editing skills, relax. You can get started with guidance from Udemy, an online learning platform that provides free and affordable classes to adults who want to learn a new skill like video marketing. Not convinced? It may be in your best interest to hire a professional. After all, you are running a small business and finding time to cut and slice a video may be hard to come by. Sites like Upwork and Freelancer can connect you to qualified candidates with the click of a mouse.

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