Using Influencers to Grow Your Home Business

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Depositphotos 141787248 m 2015 e1505939418645

Growing your home business takes a lot of work and it can be difficult to stand out and get your audience to notice you amongst your competitors. But there are strategies that can help make it easier. One of these is through marketing.

There are several types of marketing that both entrepreneurs and big companies have been using for years. But the landscape has changed over the years and in order to rise up to the occasion, businesses need to adapt. A good way to promote the products and services of your home business today and introduce them to a larger audience is through influencers.

You will learn that there are different types of social influencers and they all have their own groups of passionate fans. Of course, big celebrity influencers may not be an option for home businesses since they tend to be quite pricey as one would expect. However, there are smaller influencers who still have a huge following, sometimes in hundreds of thousands as well as micro-influencers who have about 10,000 to 100,000 followers that can help you with your business. These people each have a unique type of content which they share and you can see that in their own specific niches.

So what is influencer marketing exactly and how can it help your home business? Think of it as being in between a subtle mention of your product and an official testimonial. The influencer that you choose does not necessarily endorse your brand or business outright but in a way, exposes it without sounding like an advertisement.

By way of association, your products and services have a good chance of being known to a bigger market and a lot of brands are already paying for it because of the impressions that they are getting. What you will get in return is exposure to a targeted audience which is much more effective and efficient than just putting out a marketing material to a big number of people – which is a hit and miss. You don’t know which of these people are actually interested in the type of products and services that you offer. You can end up wasting a lot of money with that that you could used for production and many other ways that could grow your business.

Think about your personal use of social media platforms. How many times have you scrolled through your Facebook or Instagram feed and noticed an advertisement that you couldn’t tell was an advertisement right away? The influencers that you follow are passively representing brands without straying from their own unique voices.

Another interesting fact is that a lot of online consumers tend to not like ads. This is why apps like ad blockers have been on the rise, all the more reason that brands are not pouring money into advertising and are choosing to put it behind influencers instead. Influencers have been tried and tested to get their fans’ attention.

One way of understanding why this works is by noticing that these people have audiences that really listen to them. Fans spend time watching them and there is great value for businesses big and small to allot funds for these people to represent their products. Influencer marketing is not limited to mainstream markets like fashion and entertainment. These days, you will find almost all types of brands from regional sports to yoga and spirituality are using the strategy. More and more people are discovering this type of personal branding.

What an influencer has is his or her own audience who see them as a leader in their specific niche. That is highly valuable as it opens multiple doors to a lot of opportunity. A teenager today could have millions of followers in different social media platforms. These young people are negotiating with brands and finding ways to incorporate the brands in their own stories.

Great influencers integrate the brands they represent in their unique stories. The right way to do influencer marketing is to find and connect with the influencers whose views and online presence complement your home business. Above all, you and the influencer must share a similar target audience. Your main goal is to reach an audience that you can actually sell to.

It has been proven time and time again to be one of the most effective and efficient ways of improving brand awareness. It’s a great way to grow your home business.

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