Make a Product Video to Promote Your Home Business

Product videos are created to present a virtual experience of the product or service to the potential customer. Along with presenting the benefits of the product, a commercial video production company focuses on the pain points of the user and how they can be resolved using the said product or service.

Product Video Styles

Make a Product Video to Promote Your Home Business

Broadly, product videos can be categorized into three major styles:

  • Animated videos

The animation is a very versatile concept when it comes to making promotional videos. If you have the right set of characters, essentially modeled based on the potential audience, you could depict almost everything with creative animated videos. And the audience will be able to connect with the concept as well.

  • Screencast videos

This video style is especially suited for digital or online products. Essentially, this is a recording of the screen to depict what the product or service has on offer. Even though this is not very attractive, it proves to be a very educative video. Such a video conveys a lot of technical information and how the product works.

  • Live action videos

These are the most commonly found product videos. These include the likes of celebrities, actors, actresses, and the likes. Since the audience can relate to seeing their favorite people on screen, they tend to develop a certain trust with the brand or product.

Now that you know the major product video styles, let’s understand why they are the best option for your home business.

Importance of Product Videos for Your Home Business

Make a Product Video to Promote Your Home Business

  • Try before you buy

58% of customers believe that products with a video are better suited for purchase. This is because such videos help customers virtually try out the product before buying.

The product video is ideal for depicting to the customers why this item could benefit them. This works more like real proof that all the benefits actually exist in the product and that they can gain from them. Since it forms more of a brand image, the customers generally start trusting the brand and its products.

  • Increased awareness in the customers

Product videos can work wonders by educating the audience on how the brand works. This acts as a means to spread awareness and let everyone know how that particular product or service is capable of solving issues in everyone’s’ lives.

This is also a very engaging way to keep potential customers aware and educated. The audience is more likely to learn about a product from its video than by reading up on it.

  • Increased conversions

Potential customers come across a number of different commercials promoting the product. And more often than not, these are enough to interest them and get their attention.

However, sometimes all they need is a little push in order to make the purchase. This is where a product video comes into the picture. It provides a real-life virtual representation of what the product is and how it works.

74% of consumers who watched a video advertisement of a product went on to purchase it. Also, since it gives the product the edge to stand out among its competition, product videos are great for increasing conversions.

  • High ROI

Make a Product Video to Promote Your Home Business

When we talk about video marketing and advertising, most companies shy away from the concept owing to the high costs involved. On the contrary, this method of advertisement can lead to significant revenue. It tends to provide the highest ROI for all products. This is something that has been agreed upon by 83% of businesses.

All you have to do is keep a few things in mind. This could include aspects like good, informative content, good quality, decent design and you are set. With the introduction of better online editing tools, making videos is not that difficult a job anymore.

  • Google loves promotional videos

If you are planning to rank high in the Google listings or be noticed more easily from a Google search, including a suitable video is the right step to take to improved SEO. How does this work? When your website contains a product video, potential customers are more likely to spend time on that page and go through the product features in the video. This is an indication for Google that your site is more frequently visited.

As a result, you rank high in Google search results and thus are more clearly visible in the customer base. In addition, since Google owns YouTube currently, the inclusion of videos has proved to be an even bigger deciding factor for attracting more site traffic.

  • Videos are perfect for the mobile platform

If your target audience is mainly using a mobile platform, you have an even bigger chance of appealing to them with a product video. Most people are known to watch videos on their smartphones more often than desktops or television sets.

As a result, since they like to watch a visual instead of reading on a small screen, videos tend to draw a lot more attention. Advertisement videos presented on smartphones are capable of building a personal connection with the customers and thus generating 1.4 times more sales.

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