Landmines to Avoid When Doing Digital Marketing for Your Business

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Digital marketing seems to be the in” thing with the rise of technology. There are a lot of businesses who are jumping on the bandwagon. So, why do companies and other people love digital marketing? Here are a few reasons:

  1. Marketers have easy access to analytics, which answers various questions, especially about their target audience.
  2. It is cost-effective. A lot of startups are using digital marketing to advertise themselves and their brand.
  3. A business can change its digital marketing strategy very quickly.
  4. It offers a wide range of options including ads, social media platforms, and programming websites.

Although digital marketing seems to be the best option for most businesses and brands, it can be a minefield. The worst part is, there is no textbook or handbook, which outlines the strategies to maneuver through it. If you are new to the field of digital marketing and SEO, it is a wise move to hire a whitehat seo company, they will help you design your ideal strategy.

There are a few landmines you’ll want to avoid when doing digital marketing.

#1. Lacking an onsite content strategy.

If you take a look at Google before it launched Panda in 2011, there were many micro websites which were dominating the search engine result pages. These microsites had many links which strengthened their inbound connection, but they had no content. However, the introduction of the updated algorithm by Google helped to improve search engine results by allowing quality content to be ranked first. So, if you want a high ranking by a search engine such as Google, then you should have quality content. Your content should consist of the following:

  1. The quantity and quality of inbound links should be good.
  2. The quantity and quality of social media links should be high.
  3. Check your grammar and spelling on your pages.
  4. Use text formatting queues on your pages such as bold, italics, and bullets.
  5. Use subheadings.
  6. The length of the content should be just right.

#2. Lacking offsite content strategy.

If you do not have an on-site content strategy, it also means you do not have an off-site content strategy. You might have great content for your website, but you may not be generating enough leads to it. This can be attributed to having a weak SEO marketing strategy. However, the steps below can help you overcome this hurdle.

a. Generate inbound links.

If you want to increase your rankings on the search engines, then make incoming links. Great content will ensure that, and will, in turn, attract people. Those people will share your link with their contacts. You can do this by sharing your content on different platforms such as social media platforms, ebooks, and popular blog sites.

b. Establish a social media presence.

You can use social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to share your content. However, if you want to be recognized on such platforms, you must grow your presence by promoting contests, and even have free giveaways.

c. Leverage social media influencers.

d. Grow the number of reviews.

#3. Lacking adequate funds for your campaign.

When businesses are launched, there is a good chance that the owner knows nothing about digital marketing. As a result, they will hire an SEO professional who promises much, but delivers poor service and content full of fluff, broken English, and stuffed with keywords which lack value. It is important to do your research, then hire a reputable SEO professional.

If you are on a tight budget, then it is best that you utilize your funds to the optimum. You can achieve this by following these tactics.

  1. Try doing guest blogs so that you can build your brand.
  2. Be active on social media.
  3. Balance your offline and online strategy so that you can attract inbound links.

#4. Stay on top of relevant trends.

In the world of digital marketing, it is crucial that you stay on top of the current trends. However, there should be a balance as you research these new movements, rather than jump on every new hot trend. It is a bad idea to follow blindly directions that you are told will benefit your business. You should have a strategy, and try to look at the benefits of that course in your industry. If it is not worthwhile, then don’t use it.

If you are new to digital marketing, it is hoped that these tips have been helpful as you promote your brand.

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