Facing the Future – 5 Tips for Developing Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Digital Marketing
Photo by Mikael Blomkvist from Pexels

Today’s marketing world is a very different one to the world we had five, or even two years ago.

Things move fast, and if you don’t keep up with trends in the digital marketing space you run the risk of missing out on opportunities and sales. That said, your business can thrive if you invest the time and effort into developing a killer digital marketing campaign, and with mobile consumption and usage at an all time high, it’s important that you secure the right amount of market share for your business.

To meet the ever-changing needs of your customers you need a great marketing campaign that identifies who you want to reach and where you want to reach them. There are a number of platforms which you can use to speak to your customers, so whether your business is based on Facebook or via website you need to create a plan before you start spending. You might even want to get really professional about it and speak to an SEO company to get solid advice on how best to spend your time and money.

Regardless, we have put together some tips on developing your digital marketing campaign. Take a look.

Look at your current strategy

If you don’t have a strategy, then you can start from scratch. If you have an existing digital marketing campaign format and you’re not happy with how it’s performing then you need to have a look at the assets and the methods you’re using to reach people. We advise taking stock of the current state of things before you progress to the next step of planning new campaigns. So you should:

  • Look at what sites or social media channels you have a profile on
  • Look at whether you have a YouTube channel or any videos which are currently online
  • Look at past marketing campaigns and work out what worked (and what didn’t)
  • Check the responsiveness of your website on mobile devices

Think about you goals and your message

What do you want?

Think about what you actually want to achieve here. Do you want more likes on your Facebook page? More shares of your content? More visits to your website? More downloads of an eBook? No matter what it is you’re after you must be goal focused here and think about what you are after. Then you can figure out how you are going to achieve it. If you are vague about what you want then guess what? You’re going to get vague results.

Choose your platform

Think about who you want to speak to, and where they hang out. If your brand targets millennials then you will be looking to speak to them on Snapchat or Facebook or Instagram. If you want to target an older demographic then perhaps think about Twitter or an EDM mailout. Once you know what platform you want to use you can start to think about the timeline for implementing your campaign.

Execute and launch

You must have all of your assets, you must have all of your software and you must have all of your messaging on target and lined up. Be realistic here, many digital marketing campaign launches have problems. You must be aware that you’re dealing with a lot of information, but if you use an SEO agency to help you out, you won’t struggle with the tasks so much, and they can help to identify the results from your campaign a whole lot easier.

Measure, optimise and do it all again

Don’t even think about running a campaign and not measuring the results of your efforts.

It’s how you learn! You must think about the successes and the failures and implement ways to make the next campaign you run a whole lot better.

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