Bennet Schwartz Discusses the Changing Digital Media Landscape in Sydney

Sydney, Australia
Photo by Rijan Hamidovic from Pexels

Many things are contributing to the many changes happening in media today. Bennet Schwartz, Sydney media expert, has recently talked about why he thinks things are changing. Sydney is one of those places that are hot for digital media. It is near the center of glamour for Australia, and there are a lot of media professionals that meet in this area.

The most important thing you need to understand about the media landscape is how the Internet and other factors are having a profound impact. Traditional media has almost died out, and the majority of things are moving towards being digital-only. However, people will still need to understand how to navigate it, which means media professionals will have to improve in all aspects.

The Current Situation

The Internet has made digital media a lot different. People have access to so much entertainment, that digital media has to move more quickly. That is what Bennet Schwartz thinks is the biggest downside of everything that is happening now. He realized that most graphic designers and media people produce their best work when they have a lot of time to relax and plan. When they don’t get that time, they end up producing subpar work that ends up bringing down their reputation.

It is in front of this backdrop that we find ourselves. This is especially profound in Sydney, because competition gets fierce every single year because of the increased migration to the city. Currently, many digital media companies are having to lay off staff. They are opting to move towards a freelancer model, and it is working poorly for them. Despite cutting costs, they still cannot retain audiences for the long term.

More Competition

One thing that is happening to the digital landscape is the added competition. As freelancers become more popular, it is making things harder for the people already in the industry. We are seeing less demand for the services that most digital media providers offer, and we are seeing that companies are sticking to the people they know best. They are not that willing to have outside people come in and work for them. Another thing we see with this added competition is a race to the bottom. As with anything else, the top 10% is making great money, but the bottom 90% is slowly losing money. It is the same thing in almost every other industry, but it seems more pronounced in this one. There is a further drive towards everyone working gigs instead of having a stable and consistent income.

Different Creatives Needed

Bennet Schwartz Sydney media professional says that customers are also responding to different creators. They want to see different things, so media people have to figure out how to make that a reality. This is one of the many problems we see happening today, as people are bombarded with different types of media and creatives. Advertisements are almost everywhere, and as people get used to them, they become desensitized to what we currently have. That is leading to a field where people can easily ignore what they see on the screen. The only way to get over this is to deliver unique and thought-provoking creatives that people will enjoy. However, it is going to be difficult since the industry is getting so fractured.

Customers Demand More Authenticity

The one thing that media professionals see today is that customers demand authenticity. They want to feel like the corporation is different, but they also want to feel like they can trust that what they are saying is authentic. You have to make whatever marketing you do seem like you are a local friend. However, you also want to make it seem like you are big to be the reliable partner that customers desire. It is this duality that plagues the majority of businesses. They don’t know how to navigate this changing landscape, which is causing so many problems. However, if you can understand what the customers really need, you will be in a great position to capture tremendous market share.

Quality Will Have to Improve

Despite everything that Bennet Schwartz talks about, he realizes that the biggest thing will be quality. People want to see the highest quality products and services possible. That includes digital media. Digital media companies will have to start putting their best foot forward at all times. They won’t be able to slack off, as customers won’t settle for less. Customers are now demanding that these companies do everything possible to provide excellent media to consume. Even the advertisements need to be funny. This is something that the Super Bowl has proven to be true.

Customer Retention Is More Important Than Ever

With the cost of getting people rising, it is more important than ever to retain the people you do have. Customer retention is now a huge part of the changing landscape. You will need a lot of special incentives to keep your customers on board. You also have to treat them well, which could mean providing them special discounts and benefits. These are the small things you have to do to maximize the results you’re getting from your digital media endeavors. With the landscape changing in Sydney, you will need to do a lot more to retain the people you already have.

Media Placements Matter More

The major thing about this new reality is how quickly websites rise and fall. You have to figure this market out to maximize where you put your placements. You don’t want to spend time and money advertising on brands that don’t offer the returns you need. The biggest thing you will need to do is to analyze everything in depth. The changing media landscape in Sydney means that you cannot afford to be left behind in any way. You are going to have to fight and stay ahead to reach the top. The only question will be how your competitors react to you, and that is going to be something you need to be concerned about.

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