5 Ways Smart Brands Are Already Prepping for the Holiday Season

Person doing holiday shopping
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

The holiday season is well on its way, and smart brands are already getting ready for it through holiday marketing strategies. Why? Because they know that the holiday season is one of the most important times of the year for sales and marketing.

If you want to stay ahead of your competition and take advantage of this lucrative season, you need to start planning now!

Importance of the Holiday Season

The holiday season brings a greater connection with clients and customers, and can be a great time of year to boost your sales. The season is important for sales and marketing for the following reasons:

  • Increased demand – Compared to the rest of the year, people purchase more during the holiday season.
  • High spirits – Holidays are times when people are more relaxed and in a good mood. They are more likely to make purchases.
  • Increased urgency – There are just annual holidays. Customers are more likely to buy when there is urgency associated with limited-time holiday promotions.

PR and Marketing Tips for Brands During the Holiday Season

The festive season is a key time for brands to connect with consumers and create lasting impressions. With so much competition, it’s important to stand out and ensure your marketing strategy and PR efforts are on point. Here are five tips to help you get the most out of the holiday season.

1. Email Marketing

One of the most important elements of a successful holiday marketing campaign is email marketing. Email marketing allows brands to reach a large audience with personalized messages at a relatively low cost. Furthermore, it can be highly effective in driving holiday sales.

Businesses can send special holiday-themed email newsletters with special holiday promotions, new products, and holiday in-store events. Additionally, they can send holiday-themed coupons, discounts, and reminders about holiday deadlines.

2. Influencer Marketing

For many brands, the holiday season is the make-or-break time of year. And with more shoppers turning to social media for inspiration and product recommendations, influencer marketing has become a digital PR strategy for driving holiday sales.

Smart brands clearly define the goals and objectives of their campaign. They then partner with the right influencers who believe in their products to boost sales through increased brand awareness. Influencers also use Black Friday marketing ideas to create customer loyalty.

3. Make Social Media Shopping Simple 

Brands are making it easy for customers to find their products and make purchasing decisions by using the right keywords and hashtags during social marketing. They focus on e-commerce integrations to enhance social selling. For instance, with Instagram checkout, clients can “Buy on Instagram.”

4. Digital PR Strategy

The holiday season is a busy time for everyone, and brands are competing with a lot of noise to vie for consumer attention. Creating a digital PR strategy that includes media outreach is a good way to establish social proof and reach a larger audience of potential customers.

“A well-timed story, byline, podcast interview, or feature that conveys your value in the marketplace can be highly beneficial during times when customers and clients may be in the market for what you have to offer. Earned media simply offers a degree of third party validation and social proof that you don’t get with most other forms of marketing or advertising. This type of validation can set you apart from competitors, and increase your sales conversion rates,” explains Blair Nicole, CEO of Media Moguls PR, a whitelabel PR agency that has worked with hundreds of brands across the US, UK and Canada.

5. Advertising

A digital PR strategy isn’t complete without a well-executed advertising campaign. After all, what’s the point of crafting amazing content if no one will see it?

In the lead-up to the holiday season, smart brands use advertising to ensure many people see their content. By targeting their ads to relevant audiences and using creative visuals and compelling copies, they make sure their content stands out and reaches the people who are most likely to convert.

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