5 Digital Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

It sometimes seems as though large corporations harvest the most benefits provided by digital advertising. It is true that digital innovations mostly go in a direction better suited for such companies, but even small and micro businesses could use the social media movement to better connect with their clients and customers.

It’s very important to take these tools seriously and create a comprehensive strategy regarding digital advertising, which will also correspond with the existing campaign in traditional media and formats.

1. Social Media

Small businesses should engage in social media because their customers and clients are probably already well connected there. Using social media would allow businesses to communicate with their customers in a more open and informal way. Open discussions and follower’s votes on potential sales options will make the customers feel like they are a part of a community. It can also be very effective to share real life events with social media. Inviting your most loyal followers to corporate events would make them feel appreciated and provide you an opportunity to entice them even more.

2. A Website

A website is the most important part of a solvent digital marketing strategy. It should be a storefront window for your business – a place that reflects both the purpose and the aesthetic of your business. This could be a lot to manage at once which is why professionals emphasize that a website be functional and easy to navigate. According to Jeff Bickey, owner of Seattle web design agencies, design and speed go hand in hand. Having a responsive site is one of the most important features for visitors because most will abandon a slow site right away.

3. Blogs

Blogs are one of the most effective ways for a business to associate with the customers. It requires some effort because blogs have to be written and published on a tight schedule. However, it certainly pays off. By running a corporate blog you’re increasing traffic to your website and keeping the readers engaged at all times. The blog shouldn’t merely be a marketing tool – it should be used as a platform to provide insight to the state of your business. This kind of approach attracts not only customers, but also influential people in your field which could create all kinds of business opportunities.

4. Apps

Most users have more than one mobile device. Mobile devices have become more convenient than computers. That’s why even small businesses are making their own custom apps. This keeps them close to the customers and make transactions and purchases easier. The app should cover everything that a website does including the option for easy and safe purchases. The app user information could also be utilized for marketing purposes.

5. Data Collection

When customers and clients use your apps, visit your social media accounts, or buy something from your website, they leave a trace of information about other purchases, their interests and even private lives. This information could be gathered and used to create advertisements that are more personal and better tailored to the needs of your customers. It is important to notify your visitors that information about them is being collected. This creates much-needed trust between a business and its clients.

Every business should devise a comprehensive digital marketing strategy and use all the potentials of communication technologies. This makes advertising easier and better suited to the needs of the customers.

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