3 YouTube Strategies That Can Benefit Your Brand


If you’re sitting at home trying to build a brand, it can seem difficult. However, living in this digital age with so many options available to you on the internet, it actually doesn’t have to be that hard — especially if you know which platforms to use and how best to use them. YouTube, for example, is one of the fastest growing social networking sites. With more than 1.5 billion monthly users, according to TechCrunch, it can be an invaluable tool for anybody trying to reach new consumers and build their brand. Don’t believe us? Let’s take a look at a few YouTube strategies that can benefit your brand:

Build an Engaged Following

Did you know that on mobile alone, YouTube reaches more 18-49-year-olds than any broadcast or cable TV network? It’s no secret that people enjoy watching video content, and, if conducted correctly, you can use this trend to attract YouTube’s large community to your brand. Start by researching your target market — what content do they enjoy? Learn from the best. Global health and beauty leader Amway, for example, invests time into creating valuable video content that covers topics like healthy living and natural beauty, and has a tone that relates easily to their intended audience.

Be sure to also be consistent with your content as you want to remain on the forefront of your customers’ minds. Once you have a regular flow of great content, it’s important to keep communication open. One of YouTube’s great features is how easy it is for users to comment, share and like videos — as a brand it’s your responsibility to quickly respond to keep users engaged and build a loyal following.

Easily Create Viral Content

YouTube videos have long been associated with becoming viral due to their popularity and the number of people they are exposed to. Creating viral content on YouTube can sometimes be considered easier than on other social sites — not only is YouTube backed by the world’s largest search engine, Google, but it is also easily sharable on various other social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. In that sense, the visibility of its video content is quickly multiplied until it reaches the high numbers that make it considered viral. If you’re looking into adopting this YouTube strategy, try ensuring that your video follows a simple yet strong concept, is very unique and its release is perfectly timed and relevant to current issues.

Paid Advertising to a Large Audience

Facebook and Google aren’t the only paid advertising tools online. YouTube has a variety of paid advertising options and they’re all generally a little cheaper than their alternatives. If you’re at the beginning stages of building a brand, paid advertising can be a great way to get some initial traction, while for mature brands, it can also be effective in getting some quick boosts in following. When it comes to paid advertising, YouTube has four different options: in-stream, in-slate, in-search and in-display — all of which can be targeted to your chosen demographics, keywords, interests, video topics and type of device.

YouTube is a strong force in the online world, and for those of you working from home, can be a great tool to build your brand easily and quickly. Try investing time into looking into some YouTube strategies and notice the difference in your brand awareness and following.

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