10 Effective Marketing Strategies That Will Boost Your Search Traffic

Businesswoman using laptop computer

After participating in an Online Accelerated Psychology Course at Charter Oak State College and receiving a B.S. in Psychology, I found myself highly involved in the world of content marketing.

According to content marketing experts such as Brian Clark of Copyblogger / Rainmaker Digital, Joe Pulizzi — Founder of The Content Marketing Institute, and high-end blogger Neil Patel, creating quality content is a combination of Persuasive Psychology, Established Authority, Relevance, and Influence.

The 10 strategies listed below when applied properly are guaranteed to boost your search traffic.

1. A Buyer Persona to Increase Interaction

Statistics reveal that 28% of marketers claim dynamic email delivery and greater revenue.

Earmarker states that 39% of email marketers that separate their email roster experience greater open rates.

Distinguishing your target audience is a challenge on your website or blog.

You can utilize your email autoresponder.

Segmenting allows you to create content that addresses each segment in a greater manner. Don’t forget, a buyer’s persona is a thorough analysis and guide to one portion of your audience. Design the major part of your marketing tactics founded on their personas.

Buyer Persona

Name: Mark

Age: 35-year-old

Gender: Male

Roles: Health Food Store Owner, Marketing Manager-Lead Salesperson

Market: B2C, memberships, highly energized business owners, customer health & fitness advocates.

Marketing Solutions: Online campaigns, blogging on website.

Internal Drivers: Desires to socially interact with customers on a one-on-one basis.

Values trust, and respects making positive connections and a hazard-free environment. Fears losing customers, being too aggressive while interacting and not being highly effective in his business.

Logically, your content is not going to be appealing to everyone due to the fact that they’re at different stages of the purchasing process.

2. Craft Content Based on Your Core Values

Storytelling can help you relate to your target audience; it’s very effective. From a personal standpoint, it takes less effort to describe something in detail based on what I know and believe.

Basing your content on your core values will result in a great amount of quality content.

Make sure that you display your core values in writing like HubSpot and The Content Marketing Institute have.

Using sound logic in order to solve problems for your customers is a vital element in establishing trust with your target audience.

Joe Pulizzi, Creator of The Content Marketing Institute, believes that there are more effective ways for brands to market now than they’ve done previously.

This is accomplished by:

  • Showcasing Your Expertise
  • Gain Intense Instructions
  • Writing for Us
  • Ideas & Inspiration
  • Sound Advice
  • Fun Learning
  • Marketing Leadership
  • Learning & Implementing Effective Content Strategies

3. Create More Landing Pages

The greatest thing you can do to create quality landing pages is to use templates:

For example, Instapage and Unbounce.

This is a sure-fire method when designing your landing pages; you must think tactfully about keywords and develop your content around them.

Brian Clark of Copyblooger creates plenty of landing pages, and each one is founded on a keyword that the target audience greatly admires.

Another example of designing high-quality landing pages is Nuffield Health — they generated 60% more in revenue by maximizing the proper keywords.

4. Always Conduct an A/B Test

For instance, Lyti, an internet executive software business, conducted an A/B test on their landing pages. A/B experiments can generate more focused buyers to your product pages.

As a result of their testing, the innovation page operated much better.

The test specifically revealed features granted in all the plans and revealed that the basic design didn’t accomplish the original intent of the company.

Conducting this A/B test resulted in generating more visitors to their “Free Trial’’ sign-up page by 93.71%.

5. Be Ready for Change

Rumi said, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I’m wise so I’m changing myself.”

Life is all about taking stock of yourself and your efforts. No one in the world of content marketing will ever be successful without a willingness to stay abreast of the ever-evolving business models.

You need to stay current when it comes to Google’s algorithm.

6. Become Very Familiar with Your Target Audience

The better you know your target audience, the more effectively you can design your marketing strategies. One of the greatest success strategies to implement here is to use Google Trends; just type your main keyword in the search box.

This will help you to get a good idea of how popular your main idea is during a particular time period. Always give your target audience what they want.

7. Focus on Reaching the Millennials with Flexible Content

Flexible content is basically the content that upholds effective interaction across various platforms. Luxury Daily claims that 48% of consumers would rather shop using their cell phones while inside a store. This trend is new and it’s gaining a lot of fresh ground these days in digital marketing.

Your target audience should be able to get your content via the internet and then follow through on their purchases utilizing your mobile app.

8. Perform a Competitor Investigation and Utilize the Statistics

One way to stay abreast of your competition is by using SEMrush. Place your main keyword inside the search box, and then hit search.

Another way to investigate your competition is by using Google Search. For example, type in {beginners advice to blogging}, then you’ll be able to see your competitors.

By using the proper updated tools you can see how many quality links your competition has and where they’re getting their backlinks from.

Performing a competitor investigation is a very wise strategy to optimize your conversion rate.

9. Use Suggestions from Subject Marketing Models

Most importantly, when you use suggestions from subject marketing models it will fortify your content marketing strategies. The more you study credible marketing models the greater you improve your critical thinking skills. You can find some of the most effective marketing models by studying Udemy courses free of charge.

For example, if you just want to get ideas for arranging and designing your article under module titles there’s no need to pay for the course itself.


A. Go to Udemy’s website and type your main keyword search (e.g. link building SEO) inside the search box. Then simply hit enter.

B. Investigate the courses, pick one that is relevant to your keyword, then click on it to view the modules.

C. Take concepts from the module. You can locate your specific subject as you scroll down the list.

  • The Best Way To Create A Traffic Generating Link Building Plan
  • How To Obtain Traffic Optimizing Links from Established Sites
  • Traffic Optimized Links: Where to Find Them Increase Search Traffic
  • How To Create Traffic Improving links That Google Will Love

Last but not least you can greatly benefit from someone who has already done much of the well-needed research for you!

10. Use the Hedgehog Content Prime Example

Don’t be in a hurry to reach 10,000 monthly visitors.

Why not just focus on getting 75 visitors a month. Always make sure that your target is achievable and measurable. Once you reach 75 visitors a month, your visitors will spread the word about your quality content and then things will start to pick up.

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