Using a Portfolio Is a Great Marketing Tool for Any Business

dog grooming business
Photo by Александр Гросс on Unsplash

Our furry friends are near and dear to our hearts. We treat them as if they are our children and they naturally become a part of our families. They are ever so loving and always loyal. Individuals take pride in being able to groom and care for animals, especially dogs. Our furry friends serve in different areas of our lives, from emotional support, mental support or just general happiness with them being around with wagging tails ready to play. As the unemployment rate grows, individuals are looking for ways to make money out of their homes. What better time to open a dog grooming business right in the comfort of your backyard?

It takes a special person to deal with the different personalities of dogs. Though some may view it as an easy job, it may be harder than you think. Dogs can sometimes be like children; they don’t like getting bathed. It can be a daunting task working with dogs if you’re unfamiliar with them. We may feel that dogs are much like us, but that isn’t always the case. You must truly love dogs to take on a role of this magnitude. If you’re up for the challenge, becoming a dog groomer can be a very rewarding and joyful business to have.

Getting started with a dog grooming business is like any other business start-up. It will require time, money, effort and dedication. To have a successful dog grooming business, you will need to be flexible with different dog breeds that you choose to groom. You will receive more clientele if you’re willing to accept different breeds vs sticking to one single breed. When seeking clients who are interested in your services, you can provide them with a portfolio of dog breeds that you accept. Make a portfolio that will showcase the different breeds, sizes and/or weights. This will allow for clients to get a better understanding of your business and if it can meet their needs.

The portfolio should include all general details about your business, the dogs you accept, prices for services and whatever deals or specials you may be running at any given time. It is important to showcase to your clients that you are certified an/or licensed to be a dog groomer. This will allow for clients to at least know you received some type of formal training and understand the business in which you are running. Understand that your clients are expecting to see a clean and sterile working environment. Cleanliness and hygiene are two of the most important factors when running a grooming business. Dogs can get pretty messy but showing clients you can handle whatever mess a dog may bring is important.

All dogs do not require the same treatment so understand that some clients will want their dogs groomed a certain way. It is important to understand that some dogs will require extra care which may require extra work. Most of the time, you will need to hire staff to assist with the grooming process. This could be family members or outside help. Wherever the help comes from, it is important to ensure the helper is familiar with dogs and understands the grooming process.

Businesses are being run differently today with higher success rates. To maintain a high success rate, it may be beneficial to create an online portfolio. An online portfolio allows clients to view your work instantly on the Internet. Consumers are more inclined to view an online portfolio first before ever picking up the phone to call and inquire. If the client likes what they see online, they will call and schedule an appointment.

An online portfolio isn’t the only way to gain clientele. There are other great ways to promote your business. Attending trade shows, billboard marketing, and direct mail are ways to promote business offline. These may seem like the old-fashioned ways of getting leads, but they most certainly work and are effective. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways to generate business. Start telling your friends and family about your new business and they will share with their friends. As you gain clientele, you will find that starting your own business to help our furry friends is one of the best decisions you could ever make!

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