Successful Strategies to Increase Email Open Rates

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There was a time when email marketing was the buzz word, and many businesses poured their resources into electronic mail marketing, with mixed results, and while technology has given us the mobile app and face-to-face video, email marketing is still as effective, provided the right strategies are in place. The first hurdle, of course, is for the recipient to open the email, and if you can’t negotiate this one, your email will soon be moved to the recycle bin, along with the many others. If you would like to improve the percentage of people who actually read what you send, here are a few important points to remember.

  • Create an Engaging Subject Line – This is perhaps the most important sentence of all, as it is the first thing the user reads. This needs to be tested, optimised, and tested again, and if it isn’t engaging, your launch will fizzle out before it even leaves the ground. Something engaging and personal will likely result in the recipient opening the email, and if you would like some inspiration, the Internet is full of examples that can be found with a simple search.
  • Create Email Signatures – This is an essential component of any marketing email, and if you would like a free application, check out a customised email signature design by Zippysig, where you can design the ideal signature that makes your correspondence stand out from the crowd. Use standard fonts and choose your colours carefully, preferably in line with your company’s logo, and include your contact details, which adds a level of professionalism.
  • Send Personal Emails – When a person receives an email, they will first look at the subject line, quickly followed by the sender’s details, and if the email comes from a company, it is likely to be trashed. People are more likely to open any correspondence that is sent by an individual, so personalise, and always use the recipient’s name in the opening line, rather than “Dear customer.” It should read “Dear Martin, and of course, the main body of the email should be written to a single person, rather than to a group. There are also plenty of informative articles online with many useful tips on email marketing strategies, some of which are tried and tested.
  • Segment the Recipient List – In order to maximise your chances of conversion, try to segment your list of recipients. This might be by industry, or the last time you sent anything, or even seasonal, and how you classify would very much depend on the business and your relationship with the recipient. Segregating improves your chances of success, as highly relevant information is filtered through to those who are most interested, and those who are not on the list can be targeted at a later date.

Quality rather than quantity is the way to approach the content matter, and with professional writers who are fully briefed, the final content should be engaging and have the right calls to action in the right places.

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