My Ecom Club Shares How to Properly Use Modern Marketing

Businesspeople working

Today’s marketing landscape can be filled with pitfalls for the unwary business owner. It is important to keep up with the newest and best modern marketing techniques. When business owners keep up with modern marketing, they will be able to convert customer attention into sales. My Ecom Club, a company that helps small businesses start e-commerce operations, lists the newest types of marketing and explains how they can help businesses work towards increasing their business-to-consumer sales.

Cause Marketing

When businesses partner with deserving community organizations, they are able to attract socially responsible customers. They also build goodwill within the community. For example, an e-commerce store may help to promote an animal shelter or may offer a percentage of its profits to support the shelter.

Businesses can make cause marketing work for them by partnering with a legitimate charity. Making sure that the charity is doing good work in the community is essential. Make sure that your charity conforms to all of the best practices in its field.

Direct Selling

Direct selling involves sending the product directly into a consumer’s home with the help of an experienced salesperson. Many large companies including Pampered Chef and Origami Owl use this business model. This model means that businesses do not need to put their money into keeping brick-and-mortar stores open.

It is possible to start a direct selling company when you have significant online exposure and word of mouth. As your representatives recruit more helpers, the standing of your company may rise, and you will have the opportunity to build profits.

Earned Media and PR

One example of earned media is free exposure through established news channels. This kind of marketing can be achieved by writing press releases. It can also be accomplished through social media testimonials, TV or radio, or online word of mouth. Earned media differs from standard advertising because it is not paid for by the business in question.

In gaining earned media, it is important to have an authentic message. Customers are savvy in spotting marketing gimmicks, and this will reduce the standing of your company in the public eye. Try to make your exposure as organic as possible.

Internet Marketing

For a company such as a drop shipper, internet marketing is a huge part of their business. They must find ways to compete with other companies to gain the most customers. Search engine optimization is a crucial part of internet marketing. If a website is not optimized, it will fall in the search engine rankings and lose the ability to drive customers to the site.

It is also necessary to create email lists and other opt-in communications for your customers. Texts are also a good way to get in touch with the most involved customers. For example, a restaurant chain would be able to regularly texts sales and specials to its rewards program members.

Social media is another important part of internet marketing. Creating a lively online presence will attract customers. Using humor and personal connections will build a relationship with your audience. If customers feel good about the ads they are served, they are more likely to spend time on your website.


A subset of social media advertising is the rise of the influencer. With influencer marketing, a prominent social media figure is either paid or compensated for free product when promoting your business. Beauty and fashion influencers have had the greatest impact so far. If your business caters to a millennial market, it is wise to look into influencer marketing. You will find many of your prospective customers on Instagram.

Paid Advertising

A traditional method of gaining buzz for your business is to pay for advertising. TV, radio, print, and online advertisements can all be used. It is important to make sure that these advertisements are professional and positive in tone. Don’t forget to change your advertising frequently to prevent people from becoming bored with it.

Leveraging Your Marketing

My Ecom Club recommends using these techniques to enhance the impact of your marketing strategy. Being thoughtful, agile, and responsive could make your campaigns more successful. When you incorporate techniques like cause marketing and influencers into your strategy, you will ride positive trends with the opportunity to build financial gains in the marketplace.

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