How to Create Engaging Promotional Videos

Business Person filming promotional videos
Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

It’s no secret that video production is a growing industry in the marketing space. As so many new platforms arise, the need for video content is higher than ever before. In fact, recent studies indicate that 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool — the highest figure since records began!

There are many ways you can utilise videos as part of your content marketing strategy. However, promotional videos are typically the most popular. These videos are used to promote specific things and are often seen on television or through online ads. If your promo video is successful, it can drive so many new leads to your business.

This begs the question, how do you create engaging promotional videos? It’s not as challenging as you might think, and here are some steps to follow that’ll help you get started:

Step 1: Set a goal

What’s the purpose of your promotional video? Do you want to increase sales of a specific product? Are you hoping to generate more leads? Is the aim to boost your conversion rate?

Realistically, the goal depends on the business. But, it’s crucial to figure this out as the entire production will focus on this goal.

Step 2: Grab the viewer’s attention

Once you have your goal, you can find something to grab the viewer’s attention. For example, if your aim is to sell a product, you need to make a promo video all about the benefits of that product. Make it specific to the audience; focus on the key features or elements of the product and why they will benefit from it.

The trick here is to make the viewer feel something about your product/service/brand. Conduct market research to understand the main pain points of your target audience. Shine a light on them in your promo videos and you’re bound to see more engagement as they notice you’re providing possible solutions to issues that have been on their mind for ages.

Step 3: Make things obvious

Many promotional videos fail because the company is too vague about everything. Viewers watch the short clip and have absolutely no idea what’s going on or what’s being promoted. To keep engagement alive, you must stay on track and make things glaringly obvious. Everyone should understand what’s being promoted within seconds, rather than having no idea.

Step 4: Keep it short and sweet

This sort of blends in with the previous point, but it’s important to keep your promo videos short and sweet. Obviously, the exact time will depend on what platforms you’re using. For traditional TV advertising, anywhere between 30-60 seconds is ideal — longer than this and you run the risk of losing people’s attention.

For social media promo videos, you may want to keep them as short as 15 seconds. The main thing to remember is that promotional videos shouldn’t be excessively long. People have short attention spans and your message will be ignored if it goes on for ages.

Step 5: Work with a professional video production agency

Lastly, you can guarantee an engaging video if you opt for promotional video services from a professional video production agency. They are perfectly placed to help you as you embark on this journey. Working with a professional team ensures you get excellent production that makes your videos stand out. They also know the perfect duration for promo videos based on which platforms they’ll be placed on. Effectively, you have someone guiding you through all of these five steps to make sure all of the boxes are ticked.

And there you have it; this is how you create engaging promotional videos that’ll help you reach your initial goals!

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