How to Boost Your Home Business Google Local Listing

Google Local Listing

Thanks to Google, local marketing has never been more accessible and affordable for home-based businesses.

Google launched its “My Business” listings in 2014, and since, local entrepreneurs like yourself have seen an explosion in online visibility.

This powerful Google local listing tool is now foundational to today’s local marketing strategies. Discover how you can leverage My Business for your own goals.

Create a Google Account

First, you need to create a Google account if you don’t have one already. Your account grants you access to all of Google’s products, including My Business listings.

Next, log into your new Google account. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see your profile avatar and a grid icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Click the grid for drop-down menu of Google products.

How to Create a Google Local Listing

Click on the My Business storefront icon to create your Google local listing. You can either claim an existing business or add one from scratch.

Next, add your business email address.

This email address should have the same domain as your website. Get a custom email address through your web host first. This email will look more professional than a Gmail or Hotmail account.

Fill out your physical business address. You’ll still need a physical business address, even if you’re a home-based business. However, you can choose not to have your business appear in Google Maps.

Instead of adding a business location, you can provide a general service area. This option is helpful for home-based businesses that specialize in at-home care, tax consulting, and other services.

If you deliver physical items to customers from out of your home, remember to check the provided box for that option.

Your next step is to choose your business category. Pick the most appropriate type for your niche.

Next, you’ll add your official business phone number and company website to complete your listing.

Your last step is to verify your listing. This process can take up to a week if you’re verifying by mail.

Optimize Your Business Description

Your next challenge is to optimize your local listing. This process is all about enhancing your listing for search engines and customers.

First, log into your Google My Business (GMB) panel and find the option to “add a description.” Describe your business in 750 characters or less. You could also include your tag line or slogan.

Optimize your description with relevant SEO keywords, just like you would for website content. Think of search phrases that your customers would use to find your business. You can also use keyword research tools like Keyword Planner.

Add Compelling Photos

Customers respond favorably to photos. Images also give potential customers a peek inside your business beforehand.

Access your GMB panel and find the option for adding photos. Take high-quality photos of your storefront and products. Since you’re a home business, take Instagram-worthy photos of your deliveries.

Other Ways to Optimize

You want to leverage your local listing as much as possible.

Include correct business hours, respond professionally to reviews, and update your photos as needed. Don’t forget to include a unique logo and cover image too!

To turn local leads into real customers, check out what these SEO experts have to say about the latest local marketing strategies.

Get Noticed

Your online visibility starts when you create your Google local listing. Follow this guide as you optimize your listing for maximum impact.

This process is the start of your home business marketing journey. Check back often for the latest tips for home-based entrepreneurs like yourself!

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