Effective In-Store Advertising Techniques

Effective In-Store Advertising Techniques

With online shopping on the rise, retail locations need new strategies to get customers to make purchases once they’re in the store. One of the ways this can be done is through in-store advertising, and not traditional signage. Here are some effective in-store advertising techniques.

Video Walls

One of the most eye-catching strategies is to incorporate a video wall into your retail store. A fascinating example of this is at Apple stores. They have successfully implemented a clean and sleek design for their stores—that way, the attention is drawn to their products, and of course, the video wall. This wall allows Apple stores to provide in-store training, show videos, still pictures, or give presentations.

Digital Menus

There’s nothing more outdated than traditional menu signs at restaurants. Now, that’s not to say that they don’t work, because there are many restaurants nationwide that don’t have digital menus. However, digital menus make you stand out and give a more modern experience.

Digital Kiosks

These kiosks allow customers to make purchases, which is what makes them one of the most effective in-store advertising techniques. Digital kiosks have become increasingly popular in stores because they’re so versatile. There are a few different types of kiosks; for example, there are basic kiosks that display a sign or price. On the other hand, there are interactive kiosks. These allow customers to use them themselves. One of the things to know about digital kiosks is that they’re extremely cost-effective compared to traditional marketing. A successful example of this is the new McDonald’s set-up where you walk in, tap your order into the kiosk, pay right there, and then you can sit down. Another example would be kiosks in Kohl’s stores; they allow you to place special orders without standing in line.

Wi-Fi Marketing

Most retail locations are expected to have free Wi-Fi, so a way to capitalize on this is to offer a coupon when someone logs in to connect. Also, when you’re connecting it’s typically required to enter an email, which allows you to remarket to that customer.

Among the many ways to incorporate in-store advertising, digital kiosks are one of the best. In addition, video walls, digital restaurant menus, and Wi-Fi marketing are some of the best options to encourage your customers to make a purchase.

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