Traditional Advertising for Small Businesses: Is It Worth It?

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Erik Mclean / Unsplash

As an entrepreneur, you are likely handling your business’s marketing. The question is: what’s the best way for you to reach your audience?

Most will say that digital advertising is the way to go. In addition to being the more “modern route,” it tends to be cheaper and overall more effective.

But what about traditional advertising? Should you bother with print, TV, and radio ads these days? Is it worth the investment?

Here’s everything you need to know about traditional advertising for your small business.

Arguments Against Traditional Advertising

Why are some people so against traditional advertising? Let’s take a look at several arguments against this route.

Not as Many People Are Using Traditional Media

You want to put your ads where people will see them. Since more people are turning away from watching TV and listening to the radio, entrepreneurs don’t know the benefit of advertising there. They want to show their message on the platforms people use.

It Can Be Expensive

Printing flyers, business cards, etc. can quickly become expensive. If you don’t make these materials yourself, you’ll also have the cost of hiring a graphic designer.

TV or radio commercials are even more pricey. In addition to paying for the slot, there’s the cost of production, writing a script, hiring actors, etc.

Many ask themselves why they bother with traditional advertising when there are digital options. You can get the word out online for a much lower price.

Of course, you can shell out money for online advertising. But, your social media accounts, website, etc. give you the option to spread your message at basically no cost.

It’s Hard to Track Your Success

So, you hand out a bunch of flyers. How do you know if they are pulling people in?

Sure, you could ask your customers how they found out about you. But, the reality is that it’s hard to track how well traditional advertising methods are working.

Online marketing allows you to pull up analytics and track consumer interactions with your brand. When you can’t monitor and improve your traditional tactics, it’s harder to make your efforts worthwhile.

Why Traditional Advertising May Benefit You

Despite all of these arguments, there are several benefits to traditional advertising. Here are some of the most compelling.

You’ll Stand Out!

Not everyone is doing traditional advertising. If you do, you’re bound to stand out.

This is a good thing as the whole point of marketing is to stand out. Consumers will likely be impressed by your effort. Something as neat as signage from an LED displays manufacturer or something as simple as well-crafted business cards are sure to draw attention.

You May Reach Your Audience More Effectively

Know who your target audience is. If you’re marketing towards an elderly population, social media may be ineffective. You may see more results from print or TV/radio ads.

You’re Not Good with Digital Marketing

Digital marketing isn’t for everyone. It involves a lot of time, effort, and research.

If you don’t want to mess around with social media and digital marketing, traditional advertising is the way to go.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

As you can see, there are pros and cons to traditional advertising.

At the end of the day, whether or not you use this method is up to you.

Analyze your business to see if this is the right approach. Are you in an industry where traditional advertising would pay off? Would you be more likely to reach your target audience this way?

Don’t invest in billboards, flyers, and business cards just because others say you are missing out on potential customers. Regardless of the method you choose, use it because you feel it will work.

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