Sending the Right Multimedia Messages for Your Brand Through Text

Woman Texting
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you’re interested in text marketing, you may be considering investing in an SMS API. Here are some things you should keep in mind as you conduct preliminary research.

Email and Text Messaging Are Complementary Channels

For numerous companies in various industries, email is one of the most valuable channels for reaching customers. Quite a few companies use email for notifications, special promotions and policy announcements. Though email will remain important, SMS messaging will likely gain a higher profile in upcoming years. Without a doubt, text messaging is one of the most useful ways to connect with customers today. Arguably, text messaging has transformed the way people live their lives.

Things to Consider Before Starting Your SMS Campaign

According to researchers, two thirds of U.S. smartphone users check their phones within 20 minutes of waking each morning. The same proportion checks in the last 20 minutes before bedtime. This shows that SMS messaging has the ability to reach an incredibly large group of customers and potential customers. Naturally, you’ll want to make sure to only send your promotional messages during normal business hours.

When it comes to SMS marketing, you want to make sure every text has a clear value proposition. The subtle approach is better for building ambient good will for your brand. You can generate sales by texting customers with coupons, sweepstakes offers and similar time-sensitive offers. People are typically happy to learn about new opportunities to win free stuff. Particularly during times of economic uncertainty, the public responds well to promotions with real value. Don’t be afraid to invest in promotions if you want to expand your brand’s reach as widely as possible. The right SMS API can help you maximize your marketing ROI.

SMS Promotions Done Right

When developing your SMS promotions, make sure that these promotions differ from existing offers made through other channels. This is assuming you also brand-build through email, social marketing, print or broadcasting. The exclusivity of your SMS offers can help build buzz around your text messaging campaign. Hopefully, your customers will learn to feel excitement whenever they see a new message from your company. Make sure you conduct adequate research before investing in a SMS API.

Text messages are typically far more effective if you use them in conjunction with personalization and targeting. By using client data, you can create SMS messaging campaigns that really hit home. By purchasing data and demographic data, you can create messages that won’t feel like spam to your customer. According to the marketing professionals at CDYNE, too few SMS providers have sufficient channels “customers can speak to when they need it the most.” You’ll want to partner with a SMS service that prioritizes responsiveness to customer queries.

Common SMS Tactics

One fairly effective tactic is to reward customers for sharing promotions with friends. Looking beyond promotional opportunities, you can use SMS messaging to conduct useful polls of your customer base.

The more you learn about your customers, the more easily you can meet them halfway. When you use customer intelligence, you can create a SMS marketing campaign that works.

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