Mobile Marketing – Best Ways to Reach Your Target Audience

Woman with Mobile Phone
Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Have you ever seen an ad on social media for a local restaurant? Or maybe a YouTube video ad for a product endorsed by a celebrity appears in the video you are trying to watch? Of course you have. We all have. Because these days, mobile ads are all over the place.

Last year, mobile ads accounted for 63% of all digital ad revenue, according to techjury. The mobile population worldwide was over 3.7 billion unique users. Plus, 67% of the buying process now takes place in the digital world.

Mobile marketing isn’t that different from other types of marketing. However, its main purpose is to target those potential customers who prefer to engage with businesses using their mobile phones.

Google data shows that there are three things that customers do after seeing an ad on their smartphone: perform a Google search and then purchase the product in a store, send a text about the ad they have seen, or access the website of the seller and purchase the product.

All of that being said, you may want to shift your company’s focus to mobile-optimized marketing. Here are the best ways to engage with your audience using mobile marketing:


Your website serves the same purpose as a business card. It helps your audience gauge a first impression of your business. A poor design, especially one that is not optimized for mobile use or offers a poor user experience, will draw potential customers away.

The first thing to focus on is optimizing your website and landing pages for mobile screens. Make sure that all the content on your web pages is easily accessible on mobile devices.

Mobile apps

Last year, the global app revenue reached $92.1 billion—thanks in part to the rising trend of mobile marketing.

These days, there is an app for everything. Whether you want to meditate, purchase goods, or study, you can download a helpful app right to your cell phone. The logical next step for businesses is to create a business app to aid their target audience in engaging with their brand.

Text messages

In today’s digital world, the Internet offers unlimited opportunities for communication. Text messages may not seem as efficient as connecting with your audience via social media or online. However, SMS marketing is still thriving despite the many web-based marketing techniques.

For example, text messages have a 98% open rate, and 75% of consumers claim that they don’t mind receiving text messages from brands. So, it’s important for all brands to include mass text messaging in their mobile marketing strategy .

Social media

Although mobile marketing isn’t just about social media, social networks do play a vital role in engaging with your target audience. Many social media users receive social media notifications via their cell phone. And data shows that there are over 3.2 billion active social media users that access their account directly from their smartphone.

Mobile marketing by definition means reaching your audience through their mobile phones. This can include channels such as websites, social media, mobile apps, or text messages.

Data show how effective mobile marketing is. Maybe it’s time that you focus your marketing attempts on reaching your audience via their mobile devices.

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