Great Ways to Get the Word Out About Your Business, Without Using the Internet

two people talking at a jewelry display

Marketing works in a lot of ways. It decides the budget, displays the agenda, how established a company is, what the annual turnover is, geographic location, niche, and a lot more, of a company. However, no matter how much these factors may differ accordingly, one thing holds true to every business (except monopolies): No matter how fantastic or groundbreaking your business is, it’ll not reach its destined audience without help from the internet.

But that is not all there is. There is another world out there that is not online. That is real-life person to person, offline and in-your-face marketing. So not only do you have to worry about your website, etc. You also need to be focusing on your offline efforts as well.

In such a scenario, it becomes increasingly important to channel your resources properly with planning and in a set time frame; create a solid, custom-made plan that is unique to your company. Wondering how to go about that? We have created our own list to help you with your offline marketing!

Top Ways to Help Your Business Do Better Offline

Read on to learn about some of the great ways to get the word out about your business:

1. Trade Shows

Trade shows may sound so blah. But there really is nowhere else that you can find such a targeted market that is interested in exactly what you have to offer. Especially if you are in certain niches like farming, commercial trucking, shipping and other physical big businesses. These can also work for you as an SEO company though. Go to the trade show and advertise yourself as the perfect match specializing in the trade shows’ companies. You are sure to get some leads this way. Exponents Insta USA Inc has some ideas that can help for your booth at trade shows if you feel this is a good route.

2. Direct Mail

You may be thinking, whatare we in the 80’s? But believe it or not, people out there are not only doing well but doing very well with direct mail. The key is to be very targeted with your list and have something that really sticks out in the mailbox from all the other junk mail your customers receive.

Make something that looks like a personal letter or an extra large postcard. Depending on what your customer value is, you could even send overnight mail or Fedex a shipment.

3. Billboard Marketing

This one is something you see everywhere you drive for the most part but it is almost never done right. This gives you an opportunity. The secret here is to stand out with a call to action on the billboard. A good example would be: “Been in an accident? Call 888-222-2222”. Not only is this statement direct, but the number (if the business owner is smart) can be tracked. You’ll know if the billboards are doing something or not in your marketing efforts. If not, take them down. It’s that simple.

4. Become a Member of Your Local Chamber of Commerce

There is nothing like a good presence in your local Chamber of Commerce. They are all over the world and filled with businesspeople that will be interested in getting to know you and what you sell. Go to every event, ribbon cutting and class that you can. Not only will you learn tips on what to do for your business in the process but every day you will be meeting businesspeople that will either lead to a client or a potential business partner. You never really know unless you go.

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