Don’t Overlook the Importance of Envelopes in Your Company

Often torn open and tossed aside, envelopes are an overlooked part of the business mailing cycle. However, according to Bestbuyenvelopes, envelopes play an integral role in both improving the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns and protecting mail. A recent report reveals that the transactional share of direct mails and parcels mails in the United Kingdom has been increasing since 2012. Envelopes have been playing a significant role in ensuring these pieces arrive in an acceptable condition and at their correct destination.

In a highly competitive digital business environment, all business organizations need to think about how each element of their operations offer value. Envelopes aren’t an exception and shouldn’t be tossed aside. They are just as good, if not better, than email marketing campaigns. By understanding how you can improve your mail operations, you can successfully drive better business results from this overlooked business asset. Here is what appropriately used envelopes can bring to your company.

Envelopes improve engagements

A creatively-designed business envelope is an excellent way to boost client engagement from direct mail marketing campaigns. A recent research shows that most consumers are more likely to open a piece of mail with great graphics and colours on the front compared to letters with no custom designs.

Your brand has a perfect opportunity for success if only you can distinguish your mail using a colourful seal flap or including an artistic design on the envelope’s front side. Remember, visually striking pieces of mail must meet all the UK postal service requirements to remain ‘machine-friendly’ for the post. Improper address placement, colouring, and unacceptable shapes could add costs or delay your mail.

By working with a great mail design expert, you can successfully acquire attractive envelopes that compel your prospects to open and find out more about what you shared with them.

Envelopes are more than just a piece of paper protecting important information

Granted, there is always an element of surprise and excitement associated with receiving an envelope with no return address. Most people get excited when they receive a mail and often want to find out who sent the mail and why.

Envelopes also communicate the information you sent to your prospect, and that’s a crucial value-add for every business. Note that most people won’t open an envelope that’s not addressed specifically to them. Thus, you should focus on grabbing the mail recipient’s attention by addressing the mail to them in a more creative way.

Including your corporate logo in the mail’s return field strengthens the mail’s association to your brand. It’s also prudent to use front text that gives the mail’s recipient a tip-off to a fantastic offer inside. Getting a little bit creative with your business envelopes can ensure better communications of the mail inside the envelope.

The most basic function of an envelope is to act as a protective package. It protects mail from damage, keeps its content secure, and ensures efficient processing. Even in this digital world where everyone can access information and share it using handheld devices, envelopes are still relevant and play an integral role in the marketing and sharing of information.

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