5 Important Reasons Your Small Business Should Use Certified Mail

Mailbox and mail

One of the most essential forms of marketing is through the mail. 41% of older Americans prefer products and services through the mail than via the internet.

If you’re a small business owner, it’s time to get your money’s worth by using certified mail.

Gone are the days when you put a stamp on something and pray the recipient gets it. When you send mail certified, you get proof that the person or business entity received it. Any mail you send doesn’t travel blindly.

You have the option of tracking any mail you send certified to verify its location at all times.

The certified mail sticker on the package doesn’t hurt either. It subliminally adds an extra sense of priority to your package.

If you are a small business owner you need to know the importance of using certified mail. Find out why in this essential guide.

1. Certified Mail Saves Your Business Money in the Long Run

Many argue whether sending mail certified is cost-effective. Depending on the type of business you have and how you market, certified mail rates won’t break the bank.

Because it’s a smarter way of doing business, you actually save money over time. Plus, other private shipping services have hidden fees that cost more in the long run. The reasonable price of sending mail certified is beneficial for startups and active businesses.

2. Say Goodbye to Excessive Errors

Sending correspondence certified eliminates the guesswork and cuts down on errors. You don’t have to worry whether or not you selected the right class. No agonizing over package delays due to postage shortage.

When utilizing the certified option, you know what you’re sending and how you’re sending it. There’s no uncertainty about the costs because rates get set up front. Plus, you know exactly where your package is, based on tracking info.

3. Tracking

Businesses lose thousands due to lost mail. As a matter of fact, the US Postal Service recorded $8.8 billion in losses last year.

One of the main reasons is a poor tracking system.

Not with the certified mailing option. Businesses get to track the correspondence pieces at every stop. If a client or recipient calls concerned about an important document, you can put their mind at ease.

A simple online check verifies where the package is in delivery.

4. Theft Deterrent

Certified mail has a solid reputation in the postal industry. Reason being? Its tracking benefit.

People see the certified mark on your mailing and know it’s a tracked package. This deters unscrupulous people from stealing packages.

5. Proof of Certified Mailing

Drop a letter in the mail on your lunch break and you have no proof you sent it. It’s just another piece of mailing dumped in a mailbox with thousands of other pieces.

Not so with the certified mailing option. You get proof in-hand that you mailed something off. This protects you from liability in a lot of cases.

Mail It Certified

If you run a small business, the snail mail option might be affecting your finances. Look into certified mail as an alternative and watch things turn around in the home office.

We have more awesome tips like this. Take a look at our business guide for more home office hacks that increase your bottom line.

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