Podcast – Kathryn Porritt – Think Big – Go From Entrepreneur to Influencer Icon

Kathryn Porritt, Luxury Marketing Expert, Interview

In your home business, have you ever thought about really thinking big? Kathryn Porritt does! Let’s take this one step further to dream of leaping from entrepreneur to icon? Let’s takes those first steps now. On today’s podcast we are joined by Kathryn Porritt (KathrynPorritt.com), the world’s foremost expert in luxury marketing and premium offers.

Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Kathryn Porritt, to discuss the importance of establishing authority and high-end market positioning; to commercialize your influence. If done right, you might even find yourself a luxury influencer and marketer! You can also discover ways to extend your brand with higher-end offers.

Subjects Discussed

The subjects discussed with Kathryn Porritt in the podcast include:

  • Operating her media company that focuses on luxury marketing and premium offers
  • How can you produce a personal brand that utilizes social media and why is it necessary to do that?
  • Building yourself up as a social media influencer, in your business niche
  • why it is important to treat your online presence as a business
  • The importance of “intentional marketing”
  • Using intentional marketing to attract the right audience for your offers
  • Can anyone extend their brand to market higher-end offers for higher-end clientele?
  • Monetizing your growing influence – Why 100,000 followers is good but followers with $100,000 is better!

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Episode Sponsor: Little Jimmy’s Italian Ice * https://ItalianIce.net

Interview Guest:

Kathryn Porritt
Luxury Marketing Expert Kathryn Porritt












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