Goodthink Associates Shares 5 Tactics to Increase Brand Awareness for Your Home Business

Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

What is branding? Branding is the process of creating a name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates your product. It can also be thought of as how you want people to perceive your business. A brand typically includes a logo, slogan, and colors. Your home business can have its own brand! Goodthink Associates shares five tactics that will help you increase awareness for your home-based business by developing a strong brand identity.

Why should I care about branding?

A strong brand will attract more customers that are looking for your specific niche. It’s important to focus on building a cohesive image, either in-person or online, and consistently delivering the same message through every channel. Hence, people know who you are (and what you do).

Can my home business have its own logo?

Yes! Your business might already have an existing logo — if not, we recommend hiring someone professional. When designing, it is essential to keep some things in mind: be consistent with the color palette; don’t overcrowd the design; include a tagline if you can come up with something catchy, all the better! Think about the idea that you’re giving yourself a face to connect with your customers.

What do others have to say about branding?

“The most important issue is not what these companies produce but their names — as brands they represent something more than just products or services.” (Mark Ritson)., “In this ever-changing world, when consumers are constantly bombarded with messages, brands are a way of sorting the noise. Brands allow us to break through and connect on an emotional level — establishing trust, credibility, and excitement.” (Nike)

How you can benefit from branding your business

A strong brand will attract more customers that are looking for your specific niche.

1. Be niche-specific and have clear niche-specific messaging and branding

Develop a strong brand identity that is cohesive across all channels to ensure your message reaches the right audience every time.

2. Focus on a cohesive image

It’s important to focus on building a cohesive image, either in-person or online, and consistently delivering the same message through every channel. Hence, people know who you are (and what you do).

3. Hold an in-person event

Let people see who you are. Go to vendor shows, or ask to speak at niche-specific events. Hold a webinar to share your expertise in the product or service you provide.

4. Partner with other brands and companies

Partner with other businesses to broaden your customer base and bring new opportunities. One example of this is the partnership between Pottery Barn and Benjamin Moore paint company, which resulted in a more efficient way to buy their supplies all at once.

5. Be present on social media

Social media is a great way to humanize your brand and provide excellent customer service. Letting customers reach out with their problems will show them that you are listening, which should increase the satisfaction of doing business with you!

Understanding brand awareness

Goodthink Associates agrees that brand awareness can be tricky. When it comes to advertising, many often focus on who the product or service will be for and marketing themselves to solve their customers’ problems. At the same time, this may not always work in building brand recognition. Other ways can help increase the visibility of your company with potential new clients. For example: giving away free products at trade shows offers an opportunity for more exposure beyond just relying solely on advertisements, because people present at these events come from all business sectors across varying demographics. This means you’re likely reaching out directly to some prospective clientele even if they don’t buy right away!

The importance of consistency 

Reach more potential customers by expanding your customer base! When you build up an online presence — whether through social media or blogs — people start finding you on their own instead of having to be proactively pursued as they do when running ads in magazines or newspapers. These tactics will help increase awareness for any home-based business!

The most important issue is not what these companies produce but their names — as brands, they represent something more than just products or services.

To build brand awareness, you’ll need a mix of initiatives. The more creative and clever they are, the higher your chances will be for success. This article discussed tactics shared by Goodthink Associates that can help improve recognition of your business among potential customers. Just think about how important it is and be aware of what needs to happen to make sure people know who you are. Build an effective campaign that gets seen by prospects instead of passing them up!

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