Five Marketing Materials That Every New Business Needs

marketing strategy
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

As a new business, getting word out about your brand and product is absolutely essential if you want to start building a customer base, and more importantly, seeing profit. This is why marketing forms such a big part of a new business strategy. When it comes to choosing your marketing strategy, you have many options. From social media marketing to direct mail, there are many ways to find, reach, and connect with new customers. It is important to choose the right marketing materials for you and your business to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of success. So, let us get started.

1. Merchandise

Branded products are surefire ways of establishing connections with your customers. When customers have positive associations with your brand, they want to sport your branding and message. Whether it is stickers for their laptops or shirts showing off your brand’s logo or slogan, merchandise is a great way to market your brand and build a sense of loyalty.

2. Business Cards

Classic marketing materials, business cards are vital for giving your customers chances to have all the right information about your brand. In addition, they are not just plain old card ones that you utilize. There are many options for modern business cards out there, too.

As long as your business cards have the right information on them, they take whatever form you choose — magnets, cards or notepads. They are whatever feels right for you.

Your business cards should contain the following information to do their jobs right:

  • business name
  • business logo
  • company address
  • email
  • telephone number
  • social media handles

Whether it is a traditional business card or something more innovative like a digital business card or notepad, these are essential marketing materials to spread the word about your business.

3. Free Samples

Everyone loves freebies — and they are great ways to build loyalty and positive brand associations. From free trials of your service or a sample of a product from another range, receiving free items in orders is a fantastic way to capture your customers’ interest. In addition, it encourages customers to purchase from you again in the future.

4. Product or Service Brochures

To give your customers the right information about your products or services, brochures are excellent marketing materials to utilize as part of your marketing strategy. They provide great insight into your company and products or services. Brochures arm your customers with all the information they need to make purchase decisions. In addition, they are great ways to show off your brand personality and delight your customers.

5. Promotional Leaflets

Whether you throw a promotional event for the launch of a new product or service, or you run a seasonal promotion, printing and distributing promotional leaflets are classic ways to let people know about it. Especially as a new business that might not have large followings online, more traditional marketing methods like these are super useful for drumming up support for your business from your local community. Make your leaflets eye-catching and attractive. Also include exclusive discounts to give your customers more incentive to try your business.

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