Why Colors and Fonts Are Important Parts of Your Logo Design

Logo Design

A logo is a symbol or a small design that a business uses to identify its products and branding. Therefore, a logo must have an appealing effect on the targeted client.

Your logo is the first thing that customers identify with your brand. Ensure that the logo you or the logo designing agency comes up with is attractive and captivating.

A logo composition is mainly in the form of characters (text) and symbols (drawings) presented in varying colors. The choices of colors and text influence the targeted audience’s perception.

Importance of colors and fonts in your logo design

Effects of colors

People’s perception of your logo design will depend on the colors you choose. Colors can positively or negatively influence how people perceive your logo. Color shades have different meanings for different people.

Furthermore, the choice of color influences the type of typography chosen for the logo.

Here are examples of common colors you may find on famous logos and how people usually perceive them.

White is normally associated with peace, cleanliness, purity, and something of high value. White is also associated with specific industries like health.

In some areas, white shows happiness, like at a wedding. Other regions use white when depicting sadness, for example, in the east where a widow’s dress is white. In the west, white is the official color for a bride’s wedding gown.

Red may represent anger, danger, violence, fire, and warfare. The color red also shows importance, like with the use of red carpets for official functions of a state.

Black depicts power. Black is elegant, formal, and shows mystery and sophistication.

Blue appears on most corporate logos. It shows professionalism and success. The color works for many types of industries.

Yellow shows happiness and is positive. The color is bright and captures the eye.

Grey is becoming popular, especially when wanting to portray maturity.

Number of colors to use

Most brands use 2-3 colors, with one color being black or white. Other companies like Google will use an array of colors on their logo.

The colors you choose for your logo must represent your organization’s personality. Logo colors should blend well with other branding media your organization intends to use.

Your choice of color should ensure that, when printed in black and white or photocopied, the logo is not affected. In newspapers, the printing of the logo will be in black and white. When photocopying official documents, the logo must be clear and legible.

Note that the targeted audience will perceive your organization differently depending on their culture and background.

Importance of fonts and their effects

You can use fonts on your logo for the initials, organization name, or the company slogan. Fonts are of various types and have different formatting options and effects.

A logo aims to create an identity with which your target customers identify with. A poor font choice will lead to serious miscommunications. When designing your logo, the font choice and formatting are critical. The font you use will influence people’s perception of your business and determine its professionalism.

Advanced graphic software is capable of generating unique typography. When doing a combination logo, make the company name larger and bold. The company slogan can appear in a smaller-sized font and maybe a different typeface.

The font in 3D may not work well in some situations, but will work very well in marketing films, kids’ goods, and activities.


Ensure that the logo you come up with captures your audience’s attention in the first instance. The colors and fonts you use should simplify your logo — human beings like associating with simple things. This logo color combination guide by Looka is a helpful resource so make sure to check it out. Take caution when using a variety of colors. Make sure they match and mesh well with the text used.

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