3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Signage

Man Looking at Sign
StockSnap / Pixabay

There are only a few things that can either make or break a business, and believe it or not, signage is one of them. Oftentimes, people think that since they have a brick-and-mortar store, that’s enough. But just because there is a store around the corner, that does not mean people are going to go inside. People do not like being pushed too much, but a little bit is just fine. You have to figure out how consumers’ brains work and trick them into thinking it was all their will and decisions. When, in fact, it is all marketing and business.

Every community has that one street where everything happens, and where everyone wants to start their business, but there is already so much competition around you. On the other hand, your business cannot be too far away. You have to act wisely. Sure, you need a sign, but not just any sign. Your signage needs to be a unicorn in comparison to others. That is when it is going to work for your business. Here are the main reasons for having a sign.

1. A Sign Is Like Another Salesperson

If you cannot afford to hire another person for marketing while your business is still growing, you do not have to; your sign will work for you, for free. Well, almost for free. You only have to make one initial investment, and then the sign is all yours to use it as long as you want. Sounds perfect, right? That is why your sign has to contain all the essential information that new customers would want to know. Special offers, discounts, working hours, location, etc. By promoting exclusive deals for a limited time only, you are encouraging random people to make impulsive purchases, and if they like your service, they will keep coming back.

2. Your Sign Reflects Your Business

This means that you cannot just get a piece of cardboard and use a Sharpie to write down some information. You can do that if your shop is more hipsterish and has a certain vibe. Otherwise, that is not a good idea. And it would only last until it rains. So, it just does not make sense. You have to invest in a sign made from a quality material that looks good, reliable, and expensive even though it was not, so potential customers can see that you take care of the brand and its visual representation. Metal signs are one example of outdoor business signs that look good, stand the test of time, and do what they are supposed to do. Make sure your sign is secured properly, so it does not lean or fall. You should also clean it in case it gets dirty. Think about it like it is a large-scale business card.

3. Its Design Tells the Story Without Too Many Words

Starbucks Sign
Dénnis Kendall / Pixabay

The design of a sign needs to reflect the visual identity of your brand, your story, aesthetics, etc. Everything needs to be combined and in balance so that the next time someone sees that sign, it will remind them of your place. Your sign needs to deliver in terms of design and information. People want to read basic information, but a piece of information on a white background and a piece of information on a flashy yellow background will not get the same amount of attention. Another rectangular sign will not stand out as much as a circle, or a cat-shaped sign for a pet shop, for example.

You get the point. You need to do something different. Dull signs do not attract attention. That is why no one goes into those stores because they do not know how to sell themselves. Your design needs to be bold, quirky, and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. Design is probably the most important thing. If it is done poorly, there is nothing that can help.

How to Know If Your Signage Is Working

It is simple, and you just have to do a bit of math. While your sign is still in the process of being made, take a piece of paper and write down how many customers enter your store every day. You can also write down how much money you have made. Do that for at least a month. And once your sign is placed where you want it, continue writing it all down to track the numbers. There is no way you would not see an improvement in the numbers of customers and profits.

Bottom Line

There are certainly more than three reasons to invest in signage, but you will figure out the rest of them once you invest in business signage. Only then will you slowly but surely notice all the advantages and benefits. And you will wish you got signage before.

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Laura Baird is the daughter of a crafty artist who is an illustrator. During her childhood, she loved watching her father craft custom metal signs and sculptures. As she grew up with love and passion for custom signage, Laura likes sharing her techniques by writing blogs on how to come up with better signage and how it helps businesses in building brands.