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Despite many decades of predictions that email marketing would fade away or get replaced, that moment is yet to come. In fact, when the internet was new to people, everyone loved email. However, due to various schemes and frauds conducted over the email for malicious intentions, the email may have received a blow. Interestingly, email marketing is still a worthy strategy for marketers and home business owners to pursue. Email marketing still leads as the most reliable way of accessing both existing and prospective customers. Below are some of the research-backed grounds to conclude that email marketing is significant for all business sizes.


Reaching Mobile Customers

Email is valuable to business owners because even without substantial investments in new software or technology, they can still reach clients on mobile. Approximately 53 percent of Americans use phones to access their emails, thereby making it a vital marketing tool. Additionally, emails can be used on other mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. While texting may incur charges, emails are absolutely free for consumers. Emails support better marketing pieces as they allow for more content than text messages.

Emails Keep Clients Informed

Email marketing is effective in helping consumers and home business owners stay connected. Consumers are always seeking out email marketing campaigns from their best brands to keep them informed. Home business owners can leverage email marketing as a tool to deliver content to their consumers. Interestingly, marketers who incorporate videos in their email marketing campaigns have a higher chance of raising their overall revenue.

Email Coupons Steer In-Store and Online Sales

A majority of shoppers will subscribe to a product or store emails for money-saving reasons. In fact, many shoppers agree that email coupons are substantial for online grocery shopping. The consumer seeks to save money and this strategy can translate to increased sales for the home business owner. Email marketing is an effective way of tapping the increasing number of bargain hunters on the internet.

In order for a home business owner to enjoy the benefits associated with email marketing, it is prudent for them to comprehend the best ways for them to improve their email marketing campaigns, some of which are discussed below.

Personalize Your Email

Email blast marketing should be characterized by customization, or otherwise, it will not be in resonance with your contacts. When emails are properly personalized, they can encourage recipients to open the email and go through its content. It is critical to add names to the subject lines and to incorporate more advanced data in the body of the email, which provides a compelling call to action. With email blasts, subscribers expect highly relevant emails, which fit their unique pain points and interests.

Clear Calls to Action

Lack of clear and definitive calls to action is one of the serious mistakes in email marketing. You need to focus on the recipient actually doing what you want them to do. For example if you have them visit your model homes, the call to action would be different than if you want them to buy your shirt. It matters less if a home business owner wants to ask for form submissions, get recipients to call a number or even drive traffic to a website. If the recipient cannot determine what you want them to do within the first ten seconds of opening the email, there are high chances for them deleting your email. Therefore, when designing a marketing campaign email, it is worthwhile to test it to a few friends and determine if they realize what is expected of them within five seconds.

Email marketing may be among the old marketing tactics, but it remains an imperative one. Getting started with email marketing is relatively easy and astoundingly cheap. As such, home business owners have no viable excuse for not incorporating email marketing into their marketing mix. With an effective email marketing strategy, business owners can be sure of increased consumer awareness, brand exposure, and sales, which will all translate to skyrocketing revenues and profits as well. Understandably, home business owners may at times get too busy to deal with email marketing single-handedly. It is prudent, for home business owners without the knowledge of email marketing, to seek professional help to avoid sabotaging their enterprises in the name of marketing it.

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