How to Get the Most Out of a PPC Campaign

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Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

When you aren’t getting enough potential customers coming your way, there are many possible solutions you may consider to solve this problem. One option is a pay-per-click campaign. This form of advertising is a highly-effective choice, as you only have to pay when the ads are doing what they’re meant to do. Of course, this means that if you want results, you’ve still got to make sure the ads are doing what they’re meant to do. A PPC campaign can be a great investment for your company’s marketing, as long as you make sure you’re really getting the full value.

What Pay Per Click Can Do for You

With a well-crafted PPC campaign, you can quickly start seeing a return on your investment. As soon as the ad is written and out there, targeting exactly the right sort of people, you’ll notice a difference. The traffic to your site will increase and many of these new visitors, if their expectations are met, may turn into conversions. If done correctly, the sales that PPC secures for you should make the cost investment well worth it.

Maximizing the Value of a PPC Campaign

There is quite a bit of work required before launching any PPC campaign. If you want yours to be successful, you’re going to have to really work at getting it right. Putting in this effort will allow you to get the most value possible from your campaign, making sure your marketing plan is a winning one.

Combine with SEO

To start, don’t make PPC win the game for you all on its own. Successful marketing requires cooperation of the various tactics that can get you there. One of the greatest pairings is that of PPC advertising with a search engine optimization strategy.

These two pieces of your marketing puzzle are highly compatible with each other. SEO, with enough time, can get you naturally moving higher in the search rankings. PPC, for a cost, puts you immediately at the top, in the sponsored section. Together, they are even more powerful and capable of bringing the right visitors to your site.

Choose Keywords Wisely

For both SEO and PPC, good keyword research is absolutely necessary. The keywords you target are the core of a PPC campaign, so it really couldn’t be more important to get these right. What you want to do here is correctly pick the keywords that will allow your ad to appear when someone makes a search that could be related to your business. Doing so will get your brand name in front of those that are already in search of exactly what you offer.

1. Pick Keywords Related to Your Business

To start, research what a potential customer of your business would search for that might indicate an interest in your products or services. If you sell dog collars, for example, you might want to include the keywords “cute dog collars” so that whoever makes that search may end up buying from you. Any keywords that are relevant to your business in some way should be included in this initial list.

2. Be Incredibly Selective

From here, you can start to narrow it down, and you really do need to narrow it down by quite a lot. Because any keyword that isn’t the best fit can significantly affect how reliable your ad is at bringing your best customers, it’s incredibly important to be selective. You need to consider the actual value of individual keywords, and eliminate accordingly. For example, long-tail keywords like “cute dog collars for large dogs for sale” may be more valuable than just the simple product type because these show a higher amount of purchase intent.

3. Continue to Improve the Keyword List

Even after your PPC campaign is launched, the keyword list can always continue to be refined. As you see which keywords perform better or worse for you, changes can be made. You may later want to add some you believe may do better or you might want to increase your negative keyword list.

Consider Cost

Another way you can narrow down your list of ideal keywords is by taking cost per click into consideration. If you have a budget for advertising that’s not very big, a high cost per click may not be an option for you. By carefully considering the value of each keyword and calculating the likely ROI, you can discover how to get the best option for your budget.

Write Incredible Ad Copy

You don’t get a lot of space for copy with a PPC ad, so you just have to do the best with what you’ve got. Those limited characters are all you have to convince searchers to actually go ahead and make that click. Finding the right words will take time, but that expertly-crafted message is precisely what will bring in the customers.

Typical tenants of good copywriting can be followed here where you have even less space to get it right. Speak directly to the customer and their needs, which are likely revealed right in the search term that gives them your ad. Let them know what’s in it for them if they click on your PPC listing. If they can see something in your short copy that appeals directly to their reason for searching, they are much more likely to click.

Send Them to the Right Place

Once a searcher does make a click, you need to ensure your website is ready for their arrival. You need to ensure they will be arriving at the right place for them. Consider the search term that gets them there when deciding on a landing page. If they search for a specific product that you sell, you don’t want to send them to the homepage, but rather to the page where they can actually buy that product. With PPC, you’re paying to get them on the website, so don’t waste your chance to get the sale once they’re there. Have the landing page set up just right before your campaign even goes live.

Keep It Up

Keep in mind that the work doesn’t end at the launch of your PPC campaign. There’s always more effort to put into really getting it right. As you continue with PPC, make sure to constantly refine various aspects. A good way to take this on is to monitor performance and adjust accordingly, changing up the keyword list, changing your ad copy, and improving the landing pages.

A PPC Campaign for Your Business

Approached well, you can really get a lot out of a PPC campaign. When you launch yours with plenty of planning behind it, you’re sure to find success for your business.

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