The Best Ad Network for Your Business

Online Advertising Dashboard
Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Today, every brand is expected to have a solid Internet presence. Websites can be promoted via banners, popunders, and other ads. Online advertising has its peculiarities. Ad networks allow you to reach more customers at a lower price. Here is how they work.

Online publishers sell their ad space, also known as inventory. They may find advertisers directly, or through an intermediary. Ad networks connect publishers with companies (i.e., advertisers), so all their ad space is filled. This interaction is mutually beneficial. Site owners maximize revenue, as all ad space is utilized. Meanwhile, advertisers may buy inventory across different publishers. And that’s not all. Here is how to choose the best ad network for maximized returns.

Start with Due Diligence

The best ad network for advertisers at has case studies reflecting other companies’ experiences. You may also ask your LinkedIn contacts for opinions and recommendations. Check the following:

  • general profile;
  • services and capabilities;
  • pricing models.

Ask About Transparency

Site transparency is an essential criterion. You need control over where your ads appear. Different networks offer different degrees of transparency.

Premium or Non-Premium?

Through an ad network, a business reaches visitors to different sites at once. The system collects all unsold ad space into a single pool. In comparison with direct sales, this collection of impressions is much cheaper. However, this is just one element of their offerings: non-premium or remnant inventory. Premium services connect you to several top-tier publishers. The network buys its inventory and then resells it. Premium placement ensures a more strategic approach overall.

Are Ads Optimized?

There are no one-size-fits-all solutions. Request information regarding optimization practices. This is key to any digital campaign. Wise optimization allows companies to increase CTR, bring down costs, reach high-ROI audiences, and boost sales.

Are Conditions Clear?

If some aspect of work is unclear, do not hesitate to ask for clarification. Ad terms may be interpreted differently by different parties. Ask network representatives to spell out the definitions.

What Technology Do They Use?

Technology is important, but it is a complicated issue. It is best to involve your IT specialist in the discussion. Get an opinion from someone competent in the field.

What Is Targeting Like?

Some ads target narrow audiences, while others work across different demographics. Does the network focus on contextual, behavior, or audience targeting?

How Is Performance Monitored?

The performance of an ad campaign is measurable. Ask the network about the metrics used. A reliable company will offer regular reports.

Can You Test Their Services?

Some ad networks allow you to launch a test campaign. Use the option if it is available. This helps to avoid major issues and extra costs later on.

Choosing the Best Ad Network

Compare offers from different networks to identify the best candidate. Examine their services and capabilities closely, and ask your peers for advice. Take time and evaluate all the options carefully. Otherwise, your money may be wasted.

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