Ways to Reduce Noise Pollution to Create a Quieter Workspace

Reduce Noise Pollution to Create a Quieter Workspace

Noise is everywhere. Our ears and brains are constantly bombarded with sound. Noise is not always a negative sound, but noise can disrupt your work if it’s not handled properly. We have a few ways to reduce noise pollution to create quieter work and living spaces.

Quieter Commute

Your commute is not technically your workspace, but it does impact your mindset when you head into work. Noise pollution can cause a horrible start to your day, but luckily there are simple ways to reduce noise pollution on your way to and from work. If your commute consists of riding the train, try to find a designated quiet car. Some trains have cars that do not allow cellphone conversations or disrupting sounds from devices. Noise cancelling headphones are another great option to reduce the noise on your commute. If you’re one of the millions of Americans that hit the highway to commute, listen to calming music to block out the loud disruptive noises of modern travel.

Quieter Workplace

Every workplace has noise pollution in some form, and workers can benefit from using ways to reduce noise pollution. Reducing noise pollution becomes every worker’s responsibility.

An office environment can become very distracting with multiple workers playing different music, using office machines, and having loud conversations. An easy way to reduce noise pollution in the office is to create designated spaces for personal conversations and non-work-related phone calls. Also, using one music source can cut down on how many devices play other media. Those that wish to listen to something else can use personal listening devices.

In industrial manufacturing, it’s easy to ignore noise pollution in the workplace, because workers adapt to the noise that comes with the job. It’s still important, though, that those who work in industrial environments use proper PPE (personal protective equipment) to perform their job safely. You want to use ear plugs or noise reducing earmuffs. The noise pollution levels in a factory may go beyond the protection a PPE can provide, so some industries and workplaces may require industrial noise solutions.

Your hearing health is your responsibility—the best way to reduce noise is to speak up. If your workplace has too much noise pollution, make sure to inform the proper people to handle the issue.

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