How to Improve Workplace Engagement and Build a Good Work Environment

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It doesn’t matter what industry a business or organisation is operating in; it’s vital that a good working environment is created. There’s also a need for a good level of workplace engagement to be achieved too. Let’s face it; a workforce has never been as important as it is right now. Companies have always tried to make sure that the office also included a place to eat, relax and even work-out. This is especially the case for tech companies, InTouch Gaming being a perfect example of a firm that just did this last year. However, there are other ways to ensure the office is a positive place and engagement is thriving.

One of the first things that is vital to any business or organisation is communication, and this will not only help to improve workplace engagement, it will enable a good work environment to be built too. Communication is the primary way to build good working relationships, and this will assist in achieving that good work environment. As businesses are built with employees in different roles, some higher up the food chain than others, good communication can help those at the bottom feel comfortable discussing matters with those at the top. Hence the reason why suggestion boxes are a good tool to utilise here.

It’s suggested that up to 67% of a workforce aren’t engaged, with 18% believed to be actively disengaged, leaving only 15% of an average workforce engaged, so improving engagement has become imperative. One of the first ways to improve engagement levels is to hire the right employees. It’s important to know a potential employee’s character and attitude, as well as what they could bring to the role professionally, before offering them a position.

Technology seems to provide a solution for everything these days, and we’re now seeing employee engagement software increasing in popularity. Employee engagement software could prove to be a shrewd investment, especially as it will also help to collect information from employees in the form of survey results and insights. Staff members want to feel valued and giving them an opportunity to have their say will lead to them feeling motivated and more engaged as a result.

Believe it or not, for a large percentage of people, flexibility in the workplace is one of the most important things. According to reports, up to 40% of workers suggest flexibility is a key factor for them when making a decision on their career, so it should be considered as a way to improve both workplace engagement and the workplace environment too.

We now live in a world where, thanks to the internet, cloud computing and mobile technologies, working from home is akin to being in the office. Allowing staff to work from home where possible is a great way to keep everyone engaged, as they will feel more independent and trusted as a result. They will likely repay the faith shown in them by being more productive, and therefore more engaged too.

There are many ways to improve workplace engagement and to also build a good working environment, but it’s important to find what works for your business and the people within it. The tips above will help greatly, and they can be customised to suit your employees where necessary.

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