Essentials for a Streamlined Home-Based Business

Copyright: melpomen / 123RF Stock Photo

Oh, the joys of running a home-based business.

On one hand, you have the freedom and flexibility of the operations. On the other, you’re in a position where you’re doing most of the leg-work. A one-person-band, if you will.

Some of us are stubborn.

We tend to want complete creative control over the operations. This means we’re spending the sweat equity to learn and implement strategies such as the marketing, content, e-commerce, customer service, and design. We wear ourselves thin. We’re champions of non-stop workstyle.

Well… here’s the thing…

There are easier ways to get things done.

There are a boundless number of apps, services, and strategies to streamline the business. Some of which you may have implemented – some still awaiting their implementation.

Let’s cover a few of these essentials for streamlining a home-based business:

E-Commerce Platforms

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Your customers aren’t looking under the hood and nitpicking the website. Make the transaction work, bottom line.

One such e-commerce platform is Shopify. It’s an easy-to-use platform to take an idea into fruition without the need to learn code. Plus, there are a load of Shopify apps ranging from email marketing, recommendation engines, site tracking, and the like. Shopify takes a small cut but it’s minimal in comparison to the costs of design and money lost on long development times.

Multi-Media Equipment

A good camera, tripod, and backdrop can do wonders for your business. These essentials can help with content production if you choose to create videos. They’re essential for great product photography. The best part? Image/video speaks louder than words.

The ability to promote your products/services through visual cues creates a connection to your brand and personality. By latching your branding to the offers you are developing an attraction which turn them into lifelong customers.

Data Retention

Whoops, you bricked your computer. Or maybe there was a home invasion and they stole your workstation? Not good. Not only have you lost your important business information but you could be at fault for the theft of customer data.

You need to backup. Cloud services for data storage is the key. For a nominal fee, you can push your data to the cloud and prevent the common mishaps of data loss.

Adequate Space

There will come a time when you’ll shift from home to an office space. There are some troubles you’ll face. Don’t worry. With the transition, you’ll find adequate space to bring on new talent. No longer will you balance a home office that doubles as a warehouse.

The new space will give you the ability to dictate roles. Filling these roles will streamline the workflow instead of piling everything on your shoulders. And if you don’t go to an office? Well, there’s always the option to dedicate a space that’s not the kitchen table.

This list could go on and on.

But let’s cut it short. Let’s stick to the essentials. Those, if you were to start right now, are the ones which will be the biggest bang for their buck. The combination of multi-media, e-commerce solutions, storage, and adequate growth. The four pillars if you were to ask me.

There will be future challenges.

Are you alone? No.

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