5 Reasons to Contract Good Pest Control for Your Business

Photo by Alan Emery on Unsplash

Business can be a very fickle enterprise. Many companies often fold for the simplest and most ridiculous of reasons. They expand too early or are not prepared for success. Some pick the wrong building location. Wimpy was a successful burger chain that operated throughout the 50s and 60s. It closed after its owner died because no one bothered to buy rights to its company name. Then there’s the fast-food joint across the street that closed because cockroaches were found in the milkshake machine.

Pest infestation has been the downfall of many companies. It can be completely avoidable through the use of proper pest control. A pest control company is a great investment and can save you money in the long run. Finding one is not a complex process at all, vetting one is a simple internet search for moxieservices.com, and the overall cost is nothing compared to the fallout of refraining altogether. If that is not enough, here are five other reasons why your business needs proper pest control.


The sight of a pest infestation is very damaging to a company’s reputation. Most consumers and employees see it as a sign of neglect. Naturally, if you are a company that sees consumer traffic pests can drive business away. They can also create hiring problems if word gets out that the office has rats.

Pest control is paramount to the reputation of any food or lodging service. Pests can close your restaurant and quarantine your hotel. A quarantine is almost on the level with a store closure, even if you do fix the problem customers will stay away for quite some time. Hiring dependable pest control says a lot about your work ethic. It can make both consumer and employees feel provided for. It also speaks volumes about company responsibility.


Your business niche may not see much customer traffic. This still does not matter. A happy workplace is a productive workplace. Consumers may not have to put up with bothersome pests but your employees will. Employees will be loath to work at your establishment if wasps buzz around the front entrance or spiders infest the hallways. A pest infestation can create hiring droughts, encourage faster employee turnaround, and even lead to lawsuits. You could be in big trouble if your lack of pest control puts employee health on the line.

Structural Damage

Pest infestation is a primary warning sign in the realm of personal storage. Consumers will stay away from storage facilities that lack proper pest control. The reason is because moths, roaches, rats, and mice damage personal property. Your particular company may not deal in storage, but that does not mean your own property cannot be damaged.

Rats and mice can chew through wiring, termites create structural damage, and moths ruin fabrics. If you avoid proper pest control it could cost money in repairs alone. Not to mention payouts for consumer property damage. Damage to the private property of a customer is another avenue towards unwelcome lawsuits.

They Find the Source

Pest control companies eliminate the source of the infestation. They ensure that the pest will not come back. Sure, you can try your hand at low-budget pest control, but traps and sprays will never fully eliminate the problem. Pests are complex intruders. They burrow inside places that you cannot see. Places that personal methods of pest control cannot reach. A pest control service treats the actual infestation. They go out of their way to insure that insects and rodents are completely flushed from your facility.

Overall Cost

A pest control service can be contracted for regular treatments. The average cost to your business may be anywhere between $30 to $70 a month. This is not that much compared to a $3,000 dollar fumigation. The longer you put off dealing with a pest problem, the more expensive that problem will get. Pest infestation is like a rattle in the engine of a car. At first, it is just a persistent annoyance, but if it is not dealt with it becomes an expensive overhaul.

Periodic treatment stops infestations from occurring. The spray deals with any pests on site and bars the entrance of any new ones. In the face of lawsuits, loss of business, employee turnaround, expensive fumigations, or even quarantine a simple monthly expenditure is a great deal.

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