4 Online Risks Your Business Isn’t Ready for

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Do you believe everything you read online?

I hope you take in a few facts today.

The internet is rife with blogs about the benefits of social media and websites. They discuss methods and tips to handle these platforms better. You can create apps and to run and market an ecommerce site without advanced training. The internet will teach you everything you need to know.

Then I tried searching for safety guidelines. I was surprised at the results.

I actually struggled to find clear guidelines about valid online risks. I know the basics about keeping devices free from viruses. But I don’t really know how to protect my business from all imminent dangers.

Malware that recently struck huge companies’ networks got me thinking. That could have been me.

I refuse to live with regrets. Knowledge is power. So I did some digging. Here are a few facts I didn’t know. You probably don’t know them either.

I focused on website and social media aspects. These are the platforms we—individuals and businesses—use most.

Use the knowledge and get protection. Today. When the next online threat surfaces you’ll be thankful for this.

  • The Problem with Clouds

Storing things on ‘the Cloud’ is fashionable. It’s also effortless and solves many problems. Our information and documents can’t get lost.

We believe the cloud is the best online answer. This may be right but it comes with many risks.

If your information is safe elsewhere it also means it’s out of your control. There are hackers who are smart enough to break through cloud firewalls.

This can cause havoc for your business. What if client information is accessed? It’s even worse if it gets lost.

The answer may not be to ignore the cloud completely. It should be motivation to employ companies with adequate security resources.

Sometimes it’s worth it to spend a little extra.

  • Social Media Security

Group think can compromise your safety.

We all feel safe to share information with social media platforms. Everyone uses these portals so they must be secure right?

Unfortunately this is a lie.

Some of them have been hacked in the past. These days you can use your credit card on these portals. If you’ve submitted this information it’s there for the taking.

Social media platforms do have a lot of security measures. But nothing is fail safe.

Think twice about the information you add to your profile. Your settings may keep it safe from prying eyes now. But when a hacker breaks through your settings don’t matter.

  • Legislation Regarding Social Media

No one teaches us about these things.

Did you know you can be held responsible for what others say on social media? Laws in many countries determine that being present at a conversation is basically the same as making a statement.

How many conversations are you part of? Do you agree with everything that is said?

If you don’t you better exit the group or conversation. Or voice your perspective clearly. If the topic is controversial—enough to result in charges—you can be held accountable along with everyone who offered an opinion.

I know this seems a bit drastic. Chances are you never will have a backlash from this.

Unfortunately these things have the knack to surface when you can least afford it. People can find anything online these days.

Make sure you agree with what they find about you.

  • The Dangers Images Carry

Selfies are the best inventions ever right? No.

When you know the facts you’ll think someone invented selfies to trap us all.

Cameras—and Smartphones—are so advanced these days that they capture a lot more than pixels. The date, time and location of a picture is stored along with the image.

Hackers and technical experts can easily retrieve this information. They can do this simply by downloading your social media pictures.

If you take a picture at home criminals now know exactly where you live.

It may be a bit drastic to take down all your online pictures. A few safety guidelines can help keep you safe:

  • Don’t mention where a picture is taken. You don’t want someone to know it’s your home or office. You don’t want a stalker coming for you.
  • You probably love taking vacation photographs. Simply don’t post and comment about it when you’re about to depart. You’re telling criminals your house will be empty. They will view your post as an open invitation to rob you.

Can you see the practical implications of a platform we all enjoy?

  • Risking Your Name

Blogs talk about the necessity of building your online presence. Yes without a website and online interaction it’s difficult to build your business these days.

Unfortunately you also open your business up for potential damages.

You always run a risk of being hacked. You don’t want someone accessing your files or bank account. This can cause you financial losses.

The loss you feel with a public embarrassment can be even more difficult to deal with.

If you have online accounts—such as Twitter or Facebook—it means they can be hacked too. Hackers don’t even have to access the platform. If hackers get access to your passwords they’re in.

Now imagine what someone can do when in control of your profile.

If images or messages are posted that don’t correspond with your public image you’ll be horrified. And you won’t be able to take back what’s said.

Technicians can help you retrieve your profile. But the damage is probably done. Not all your followers will believe you’ve been hacked.

Once again you can’t simply disappear off these platforms. But you can take care with passwords. Some portals ask you to reset a password or increase your level of security from time to time. Now you know why.

It brings so much joy to society. That’s why we all love spending hours online. But many of us are oblivious to possible consequences. If your business functions on these platforms do your part to keep it safe. Your privacy, assets and name are worth any expense.

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