Tips for Designing a Hotel Lobby

Tips for Designing a Hotel Lobby

Your hotel lobby is the first thing guests will see upon entering your hotel. The entrance area will set the stage for your guest’s expectations and largely impact how they view your entire establishment. If your lobby looks dreary or outdated, your guests will likely be disappointed and underwhelmed regardless of how nice your amenities are. To make a good impression and start your guest’s stay on the right foot, it is important to carefully consider the design of your lobby. To create an entrance hall that will entrance your guests, follow these tips for designing a hotel lobby.

Divide areas of your lobby

Hotel lobbies serve multiple purposes. In addition to serving as a location for guests to check in and out, lobbies also function as a waiting area, a meet and greet location, and a place for guests to gather and socialize. To accommodate the many functions that a hotel lobby serves, consider dividing it into segmented zones. For example, you could use partitions or room dividers to section off quieter areas, such as check-in stands, and group chairs together to create social zones. In doing so, you can better satisfy the needs of each guest in your lobby.

Create a more sustainable space

Guests are becoming increasingly concerned about the environment and are frequently looking for ways to help preserve it. By using eco-friendly materials in the design of your lobby—such as metal fabrics, bamboo flooring, or recycled steel—you can make a good first impression on your guests by demonstrating your efforts to protect and preserve the environment. Doing so will likely make a large, positive impression on eco-conscious guests.

Add a unique design element

When designing the lobby of your hotel, try to implement a unique element that will help set you apart, intrigue guests, and make your lobby an area where people will want to spend time. For example, you could include a waterfall, a fish tank, a unique piece of artwork, a fountain, a flower arrangement, or another interesting design element that will help draw guests in. When considering what unique design element to include, consider your target customer and cater it towards their interests.

Prioritize comfortable seating

One of the main functions of a lobby is to serve as a waiting or lounge area for guests. In many cases, guests may have traveled a long way to arrive at your hotel and will likely be tired. As such, it is essential to invest in quality seating to provide them with a comfortable place to rest while they wait to check in. When determining the seating for your lobby, you should include a mix of large, plush chairs and couches, as well as lighter, moveable seating so guests can customize the arrangements to suit their needs.

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