Why a Robot Invasion May Be Good for Your Businesses

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

For decades, sci-fi TV, film, and books have been showing us the clear dangers of robots out of control. Often, humanity is enslaved to a robotic civilisation that has taken over the world. The future looks bleak, dangerous, and to make matters worse, the robots have failed to neutralise annoying Hollywood actors. Not good.

Happily, however, robots of the now and the future are our friends. In fact, a good choice of robot can make your business more efficient, safer, and optimise workflows bringing greater profit and significant cost savings. Let’s take a deeper dive into how robotic companies such as Robotnik are transforming business and work.

Autonomous and Collaborative Mobile Robots to the Rescue

Autonomous and collaborative mobile robots, or AMR for short, are designed for a wide range of uses. The idea is that this robot can be used to move loads from one part of a business to another, pack objects in a box, move through dangerous environments, and anything else you may need it to do.

Given the high technical specifications of a robot of this kind, most machines are bespoke and built to the needs of a business.

Robots not only bring labor to a business, they bring automation. Consider the following benefits:

  • Costs – After initial purchase and setup, your robot will perform its tasks 24/7. It requires no pay, benefits, or pension. It simply does what you want it to do. It never gets sick, or needs to take a family day. Your robot completes its tasks and you don’t have to think about whether or not it is working to capacity. It is by design.
  • Safety – The fact is that most workplace injuries happen when we try to lift something we can’t. Around 1 out of 5 injuries are manual handling related in most countries. If one of your team goes off sick, potentially it can be months before they are ready to work again. An AMR, however, can handle the load safely and efficiently, all day every day.
    It can also handle them in dangerous and hazardous environments. Reducing the risk to your teams and avoiding costly litigation that can happen when people are injured while working in hazardous places.
  • Loves Repetitive Tasks – It is fair to say that boring repetitive tasks do not exactly get us excited ready for another challenging and rigorous day of work. Instead, teams tend to switch off and do the tasks. Inevitably, performance drops resulting in a loss of profit. Use an AMR instead. Your robot will be happy to do repetitive tasks over and over again.
  • Bespoke – No two businesses are the same. As such most mobile robots are designed and built by reputable vendors to meet the individual demands of a business. This optimization ensures the robots meet workflow demands and perform at optimal levels. In this sense Robotnik offers robot customization to match perfectly the needs of every business.
  • Zero Error Rate – AMRs simply cannot make a mistake. Even your most diligent worker will from time to time get it wrong. They are only human after all. If your AMR gets it wrong, this is a result of human error made during the setup process.

Most businesses will benefit from robotic automation.

Uses of AMRs

Right now businesses across the world are utilizing AMRs. With this in mind let’s take a look at how they are making use of machines to make their businesses work effectively.

  • Security – AMRs are great for patrolling areas and zones. Right now AMRs that walk like dogs or trundle on wheels are keeping areas safe through patrolling 24/7. If you have a large area you need to keep secure or a hazardous one, an AMR like the OAD ones can fit the role well.
  • Transport – Whether it is transporting goods from one part of a warehouse to another, or taking passengers across a considerable distance, right now robots are in use moving products and people. The advantages to business are clear as it avoids repetition and you don’t have to employ people to drive vehicles.
  • R & D – Research and development robots can operate in a wide variety of environments. Normally, a mobile manipulator is deployed. The arm on this robot can be controlled remotely and so researchers can use it to handle materials that are either dense, toxic, or require precision that only a robot can provide.
  • Medical – Robots of one kind or another are increasingly being used in surgery. No matter how steady a surgeon’s hands, he or she can’t compete with the precision stillness a robot can provide.

Final Thoughts

Robotics has reached an age where it is set to enter the everyday world of work. Increasingly, in every sector, you will see robots performing tasks of one kind or another. Business owners will invest in the technology and realize the benefits.

Hopefully, you’ll be investing soon in a good AMR and see the benefits to your business. You’ll see that a robot invasion is good for your business and your ROI.

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