6 Tech Tools That Can Improve Your Workplace

Business Team

Considering today’s advanced technologies, you want your workplace to keep up so that your employees can maximize their efficiency. The last thing you want is for your business to fall behind the competition because your workplace doesn’t utilize breakthrough tech. Check out our list of six must-have tools that can boost workplace efficiency and let your workers’ talent shine through.

1. Group messaging

One office tech trend you absolutely must get behind is having a channel-based office group messaging platform. Email gets cluttered and annoying, and important messages can get lost amid a torrent of “who ate my salad?” or “did you already send in the numbers from accounting or should I?” type messages. Don’t let your important business emails get clogged. Get your workplace on an office group chat to maintain clear, open, direct, and context-appropriate lines of communication at all times.

2. Hiring solutions

Hiring the best talent for your business can mean the difference between continued growth and prosperity, and mismanagement into oblivion. One necessary step your business should take is implementing hiring technologies that you can trust. A cutting-edge tech solution that you can add to your hiring process is an aura camera.

Auras are the manifestation of people’s internal energy as wavelengths of light that exude from their bodies — but they’re only visible with an aura camera. They can help you identify how people project their work ethic and how they prefer to communicate. Invest in aura detection as part of your hiring process before you expand your team.

3. Hour management

Whether you pay your employees on an hourly basis or on salary, you want to make sure that the hours they spend in the workplace are spent efficiently. Water cooler talk is essential to maintaining team solidarity and keeping up a healthy work environment — but too much time spent away from important tasks can mean that you are not getting your returns on investment.

One way to make sure hours are spent in a way that’s fair to your workers and to your bottom line is by using an hour tracker tool. Tracking hours spent on a task may seem annoying, but it is also efficiency-boosting because you will know better how much to charge clients or how to reallocate a workload.

4. Stress management apps

There are plenty of apps out there that can be great tools for helping workers destress. You don’t want to lose out on valuable productivity because your workers are too stressed to function. Do them and yourself a favor by investing in apps to keep them happy and boost their wellbeing and job satisfaction. Working your workforce to the bone is neither efficient nor is it kind. Investing in destressing training and apps is a great way to have the best of both worlds.

5. Climate control

One feature of your workplace you might not immediately consider if you’re thinking of how tech can improve efficiency is the temperature in your office. Offices that are too cold might make people want to get up and move around a lot to warm up, and offices that are too warm might make people tired and unproductive and zap their motivation. Keeping the office at a comfortable temperature is essential to keeping up morale, worker comfort, and productivity. Invest in smart ways to keep your office climate comfortable!

6. Shared cloud storage

The days of having a hard drive with tons of gigs of storage holding everything important to your business are long gone. Now, everything is done in the cloud. The cloud is basically internet-based data storage, and it’s useful for a few reasons. First, you won’t lose everything if there’s a sudden malfunction. Everything is safe, so even if the office floods or there’s a break-in and all the computers are taken or destroyed, all your company’s data will be safely stored in the cloud. Second, it makes it easy for everyone to access what they need to for work! On a business trip and need to see the expense reports? Just log into the cloud.

This is our list of the absolute must-have tech available to improve your workplace’s efficiency and productivity. Let us know what you find essential to maintaining your business’s tech savvy!

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