Signs You Are Being Mistreated by Your Employer

Signs You Are Being Mistreated by Your Employer

Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean your employer can’t mistreat you. It’s important to know your worth as an employee and stand up for yourself when necessary; after all, everyone deserves respect in the workplace. Here are some signs you are being mistreated by your employer.

You’re Overworked

While you shouldn’t go into your job expecting it to be easy, you shouldn’t be drowning in an overflowing workload, either. If you are constantly handed tasks, working past your set hours, and saddled with ridiculous expectations, then you are probably being overworked.

You’re Underpaid

Money isn’t everything, but your pay is a sign of your worth. Being underpaid is one sign that you are being mistreated by your employer. In fact, you may be underpaid because of discrimination; if you think this is the case, make sure you learn how to identify discrimination in the workplace. You may be held back from earning what you are worth based on discriminatory notions.

You Don’t Have a Voice

A good company should at least take your opinion into consideration. If you feel you are ignored when issues arise and find that you are not invited to meetings, you might be disregarded by your company.

There’s No Feedback

To grow, you need constructive criticism. Getting feedback from your employer and finding ways to improve shows that they care about you and your role. It’s up to your company to give you feedback instead of putting you in the position of being a disposable part of a machine.

You Get Pushback with PTO

Everyone has the right to breaks and time off. Receiving pushback for requesting days off is not something you should have to deal with. If there’s a policy and your company isn’t following it, then they’re likely taking advantage of you.

You Face Harassment

A final sign that you should be mindful of is harassment. While there’s room for fun in the workplace, there is a line that can be crossed that can easily become unprofessional and even harmful. There’s a difference between constructive criticism and outright bullying.

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