Top 10 Common Workplace Injury Causes

Protect your employees from workplace injuries.

Being injured in the workplace, sadly, isn’t uncommon. Thousands of employees are injured every year, whether it be through an accident, unsafe conditions or external factors. It’s not uncommon to find yourself injured at work, but what are the most common causes of a workplace injury? Sure, organisations can have all the right health and safety precautions in place and even provide first aid training courses, but some injuries can’t be helped and cannot be avoided.

In this post, we look at 10 common workplace injury causes, to see what they are. We will look at how each could be prevented, and what can be done to minimise the risk of them occurring in the future. So, without further ado, here’s our top 10 common causes of workplace injuries.

10 Workplace Injury Causes

10) Fighting

First on our list is fighting at work. Yes, it can happen, but if a fight between staff (or customers) breaks out, someone is more than likely going to be injured. How do you avoid fighting at work? It’s important to manage staff relations, to make sure everyone can at least be civil with each other. They don’t have to be ‘best friends’, but it should state in their contracts that fighting with staff or customers is unacceptable, and a sackable offense. It’s key for management and employers to keep their ear to the ground and snuff out any brewing tensions with mediations before they arise and boil over—resulting in fighting.

9) Walking into Objects

Next up, we have walking into objects. Whilst this may seem slightly ridiculous, it’s a common cause of injury in the workplace. Walking into door frames or other sharp corners or edges can lead to some injuries. So, what to do to minimise the risk? Whilst it may be easy to suggest that everyone ‘looks where they are going’, ensuring that both employers and employees keep workplaces tidy (shutting all cabinet doors for example) is also key. But, for the most part, it’s down to workers to make sure they’re fully aware of their surroundings.

8) Loud Noise

Ear injury or deafness is at number 8, with exposure to loud noise causing hearing loss or problems in the workplace. Working in an environment or with equipment that produces a lot of noise will most likely lead to ear injury. In order to combat this, risk assessment in the workplace should be carried out, and employers should ensure that proper PPE (personal protective equipment) is provided—such as noise cancelling headphones or ear plugs. Wearing the right equipment will reduce risks to ear injury (hearing loss or problems).

7) Fume Inhalation and Chemical Contact

Chemicals and other fumes can cause lung, skin and eye damage. Unfortunately, it’s the 7th most common cause of injury in the workplace. Whilst there are many who don’t work around chemicals and fumes, those that do need to ensure they’ve had the proper training and wear the necessary PPE. Masks, goggles and coveralls should be worn when working around fumes and chemicals. For those who work with cleaning chemicals that are possibly corrosive, the same precautions should be taken as those that work with other toxic chemicals.

6) Sharp Objects

With so many sharp objects working around most types of workplaces, the 6th most common cause of injury is being cut by sharp objects. Whether it’s a minor cut or a larger laceration, preventative measures need to be in place to make sure these kinds of injuries don’t happen—and when they do, relevant first aid trained personnel need to be on hand to assist. It’s essential that for every 50 employees, there is at least one person who has undergone a first aid training course. Regarding prevention, all sharp objects should be stored properly and safely to minimise accidental injury. Those handling the sharp equipment should be safe and sensible when using it.

5) Collisions or Crashes

Vehicle crashes or collisions are not uncommon in the workplace, especially for those who operate vehicles in their day-to-day roles. For those operating said vehicles, they should make sure that they are safe (seat belts) and their surroundings are safe too, as well as handle the vehicles sensibly and safely. For those working around vehicles, always mind your surroundings. Employers must ensure that workers are aware of vehicles operating in the workplace.

4) Repetitive Strain

Injury through repetitive strain is very common in UK workplaces. Whether it’s using a keyboard or operating other machinery, employers must encourage workers to take the necessary breaks or upgrade equipment (ergonomic keyboards), to ensure that RSI (repetitive strain injury) doesn’t become an issue for workers.

3) Falling Objects

Look out! At number 3, falling objects can cause injuries in the workplace. Again, this doesn’t just affect warehouse workers; it affects anyone who has objects stored at high places. So, if it needs to be stored up high, make sure it’s secure and when moving it, that you are capable of lifting and moving it safely.

2) Muscular Strain

Another occurrence of injury in the workplace is enduring muscular strain. If you’re lifting, carrying, moving, or even sitting at a desk, you may find you are affected by muscular strain. Teaching employers who carry and move the right way to lift is essential. As for those at desks, sitting at your desk properly and taking breaks can help minimise the risk of muscular strain.

1) Slipping, Tripping and Falling

Finally, the most common causes of injury in the workplace is slipping, tripping and falling. All of these can lead to both minor and major injuries, so it’s important that employers and employees are taking the relevant steps and measures to ensure that risks are minimised. Employees should wear appropriate footwear for working environments, mind their surroundings and clear up or flag any potential slipping, tripping or falling hazards. For employers, making sure floors are up to scratch and people are assigned to clear up hazards will ensure that these accidents are minimised.

And that’s our list! These are the most common causes of injury in the workplace.

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