Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents at Your Business

Sign warning against slip and fall
Photo by Nothing Ahead from Pexels

A “slip and fall” accident is a legal term used to describe an injury that occurs when a person falls on the premises of another. If you slip and fall at work in California, you generally file a worker’s compensation claim.

Worker’s Compensation is a no-fault system that means you recover damages irrespective of who is at fault for the accident. Slip and fall accidents are far more common than people realize.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2017, there were a total of 822 730 occupational illnesses and injuries. More than 25% of all injuries sustained across industries occurred by slips, trips, and falls. Slip and fall accidents are complicated legally and may require personal accident injury lawyers.

These slip and fall lawyers specialize in the law’s intricacies around slip and fall accidents. They advise on whether there is case or not. Let us look at what you can do to prevent slip and fall accidents at your business since prevention is always better than cure!

No Two Businesses Are the Same

All businesses are different. Your type of business has different areas of risk. When assessing how you limit slips and falls, consider this within the context of your own business. However, here is a list of common problem areas, some of which possibly apply to your business.

Shortlist of Prevention Mechanisms

  1. Signs warning of slip and fall dangers
  2. Sufficient lighting in all areas to reduce the chance of slips and falls
  3. Clearing the clutter — keeping walkways clean with no obstruction
  4. Keeping floors in good condition
  5. Cleaning up spills as soon as they happen
  6. Using non-skid throw rugs on smooth, slippery floors
  7. Keeping cords out of areas where people potentially trip
  8. Providing ladders and training on their use for working at height
  9. Supplying staff with correct footwear with decent grips
  10. Installing handrails at all stairways with signage to compel their use

Keep Your Guard Up

Ensure that your business maintains the safety aspects. It is essential to implement the following to ensure the maintenance of safety standards:

Alert of Temporary Hazards

Whenever there is a temporary hazard, ensure the deployment of movable cones and signs to warn people of the danger. Remove these once you remove the danger.

Schedule Regular Inspections

It is important to schedule regular safety inspections. Walk around your business, look for accidents waiting to happen, and eliminate them as quickly as possible.

Do the Paperwork

Document your inspections as well as what you did to alleviate the danger. Again, this is useful as evidence.

Surveillance Cameras Are Options

Some businesses opt for surveillance cameras, but this depends on your situation and budget. These systems assist in reducing false claims and helping in identifying risky areas.

Complete Incident Reports Immediately

Ensure that you complete a written, detailed incident report after the accident and date it. Also, contact the person injured on your premises and show that you care. People are less likely to sue if they see your concern for their well-being and safety.

Final Takeaway to Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents

Prevention is better than having to face the consequences of slip and fall accidents at your business. However, ensure that you minimize the risks by implementing safety measures described in this article.

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