The Importance of Safety Management

Photo by Anamul Rezwan from Pexels

When it comes to industries that involve operating heavy machinery, keeping safe while on the job is incredibly important. Some examples where safety management is necessary are oil and gas, steel, power plants, and renewable energy plants. If you are in the United States, following the rules established by OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is mandatory.

Are there ways you can teach this to your employees, and maintain a secure environment? Bringing in a safety manager is one method of doing this. They teach workers some of the important parts of keeping themselves out of danger while still getting their tasks done.

Safety Management: How to Stay Safe

There are a few key ways to maintain personal and physical safety even while performing a job in a dangerous field like oil rigging. While they might seem obvious on the surface, do not ignore them. This is something that a safety management service might emphasize as they provide their teachings.


First, you must always be aware of your surroundings. It is almost silly to bring this up, but it is amazing how easily people distract themselves or end up daydreaming even if they do not mean to. When operating heavy machinery or any other hazardous equipment, this can lead to disaster.

So, try to keep track of any potential hazards that exist in your space. This includes any roadblocks or tripping risks as well as more serious ones like potentially faulty equipment. If you are paying attention, you can mitigate any injuries both for yourself and the people you work with.

Posture and Lifting

Next, it is important to use the right posture for whatever you are doing. A good example of this is if you lift heavy objects. It is not a good idea to lift items with your back, because this gives you unnecessary strain. Instead, try using your knees to lift the object(s).

Additionally, do not try to carry something that is clearly too heavy for you. Get something to assist in moving it like a wheelbarrow or ask someone for help. Do not put yourself in danger just to save your pride!

Take Breaks

Another thing to do for safety management is to take breaks. While you don’t want to do this too often, even stopping for a moment to take a breather helps you resume your task after with renewed focus. You can see some examples of this here:

If you are feeling fatigued at work, you might lose track of your surroundings. As mentioned above, this leads to injuries if left unattended. Another way to mitigate some of these issues is by performing any complex tasks at the beginning of your shift rather than waiting until the end.

Company Procedures

When it comes to the procedures outlined by a company, sticking to them exactly is always the way to go. Shortcuts should never be taken. They often are not saving you any work. Instead, they expose you to the potential of serious injury. Therefore, it’s important to emphasize that workers should always use the right tools for any task they take on. Additionally, they should always operate equipment and machinery correctly.

If new equipment is purchased, educate yourself and any employees on the safety procedures for operating them. If you have a manager assisting with the safety management, ideally this executes quickly and efficiently. That’s one of the biggest motivations for companies getting someone in this position. It makes things a lot simpler on the owners of the site when they know someone they trust oversees operations and maintaining security guidelines.

Emergency Exits

Something often overlooked is keeping any emergency exits clear from obstruction. Some of this is explained on this page, but essentially just do not place items in front of these exits, impeding someone’s ability to use them. You will be glad for this if an emergency does occur.

Protective Equipment

Finally, personal protective equipment should always be worn while on the job. This includes a hard hat, of course, but there are other parts as well. Some employers provide ear plugs or a safety vest to ensure you are visible while working.

Is a Management Service Worth It?

If you are in one of these industries mentioned above, you probably have a lot on your plate. Hiring additional help to maintain your business is helpful in reducing stress levels, for one thing. More importantly, it can prevent your employees from getting hurt while they’re on the job.

The safety of the people working under you should be at the forefront of the mind, especially if they are operating heavy machines or other dangerous equipment. If you do happen to be considering something like this, it is recommended you go ahead and take the plunge. You won’t regret safety management.

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